Nicole profile picture


I find it kinda funny; I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

About Me

I am Nicole.
I am simple.
I am simply in love with God, not caught up in the complexity of doctrine-based religion or rule-binding, unattainable legalism.
I enjoy riding bikes and playing simple card games with my family.
I am in a simple relationship that I love in which I am able to completely feel safe in being myself.
I find movie theaters to be overrated, but love simply watching and commentating on movies with a group of friends at my house.
I am convinced that close girlfriends are simply God’s gift to women everywhere.
I love simply walking around and talking with people.
I know exactly what I want to do for a living (nurse practitioner) and am simply working towards it.
I laugh at the simplest of things.
I simply buy shoes and/or underwear when I need a little pick-me-up.
I instantly smile when I see a simple bouquet of gerber daisies.
I love music to which you can simply sit, listen, and be carried away.
I was born in a simple Oregon town and raised in Washington.
I simply love traveling, but only if it is to a non-tourist destination.
But do not, for one moment, think that because of my numerous simplicities I am sub-par or even just average, because with being simple comes the opportunity to become simply extraordinary. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Men that can sing like Ewan McGregor.


Without music I am nothing. I like it all, but especially stuff to which I can dance/choreograph.


I'll watch almost anything...except "Wedding Crashers"


I Love Lucy. That's the only show I'll watch.


I like to read lots of stuff. I am a nerd. But I am okay with that.


My grandmas..

My Blog

All I Want

Hey all, So basically I found a song that I fell in love with and since I wasn't able to post it on my profile, I figured I could at least share the lyrics with all who care to read them. And actually...
Posted by Nicole on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:41:00 PST

Have You Ever?

Have you ever felt like you truly belonged somewhere only to find out that your place of supposed belonging is a place to which you can never return? Have you ever watched a chapter of your life close...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:55:00 PST

How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Greetings once again dear readers, Seeing as it's been a fair amount of time since I've written a blog I have decided to write an old-school "How I Spent My Christmas Vacation" essay. Actually, scratc...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 05:49:00 PST

How Does He Love Me?

Hello all, Well, as an assignment for my Christian Thought class (which, despite the title, does not teach me how to think) I was told to do a project to communicate my faith and what it means to me w...
Posted by Nicole on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:18:00 PST

Bears: The Universe's Most Intelligent Creatures

I have stumbled upon some knowledge that I feel compelled to share with my MySpace world of friends. Here it is: Bears got it right with the whole hibernation concept. Why? Well, there are severa...
Posted by Nicole on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST

Summer Update

Dear readers, It's time for another glimpse into my world. So the summer has been pretty good so far. In an effort to not bore you to tears, I won't give you a day-by-day recount, but rather...
Posted by Nicole on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:36:00 PST

My Final Bow

Dear Readers, Last night was the final performance of "The Secret Garden," a production I've been heavily involved with since last July. I chorecographed a couple dances, directed it, and starred in i...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:57:00 PST

The Obligatory "Goodbye Childhood" Blog

Dear all: Well it seems that everyone writes some sort of farewell to childhood tribute on the eve of their 18th birthday and I certainly don't want to be left out of this time-honored ritual. So here...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 10:11:00 PST

Parties and NU

Dear readers, It's been a bit since I've posted a blog, so I thought I should do that. Lately, I've been very busy with, well, everything! School is going by super fast, but luckily my classes are pre...
Posted by Nicole on Fri, 05 May 2006 02:31:00 PST


So, since it's been quite a while since my last blog, I've decided that I should provide my adoring fans with an update of what's going on in NicoleWorld. Well, let's see.....what have I been up to? I...
Posted by Nicole on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:11:00 PST