Rachael profile picture


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you

About Me

"The first step to getting what you want out of life is deciding what you want. They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Only I can change my life, no one else. When you have a dream you've got to grab it & never let go." -Carol Burnett

Currently I am taking a deserved break from the college life and working in my family business full time. It really has paid off big. I'm now the Assistant Director and fully participating in working in all the departments of our K-12 private school that specializes in home schooling and adult education. (If you're over 18 and in need of a high school diploma from a fully accredited well respected private school, get in touch with me and we'll be more than happy to help you out, its a very unique program not offered by any other school.) We have locations throughout Southern California, with plans to expand to other states in the near future. I'm really committed to my future goals and dreams, although they have changed directions recently. Ultimately, I know what I want, that hasn't changed much, I'm just not %100 sure exactly which roads I'm going to end up taking to get there. I've had to learn the hard way that "plans" don't always work out the way you had planned on. I graduated at 15 and began college my senior year of high school, and continued college for 3 years straight. With no break since, recently I've needed to relax and enjoy my life & the little things more. My life has gone through many changes in the past couple years. I will go back to college in the near future, I'm so close to finishing, but as to exactly when, I'll leave that in God's hands. For now my main goal is finding myself again & working on the relationships with the people around me, including my family & friends. I live on my own, about a two years ago, I moved into my own house & just recently at the beginning of this year moved again, this time to a 4 bedroom/3 bath with a pool & jacuzze, I have more space than I know what to do with. . . . anyone want to come over & hang out let me know!! Also, I'm very much so a late night person, my "morning" doesn't really "start" until what is the afternoon for most people. ;) I have a lot more energy & work best during the evening hours. It takes something really important to get me there "early" in the morning!

There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
How to make a Rachael
5 parts success
1 part silliness
1 part energy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little emotion if desired!

pretty brown eyes

My Interests

..I love to laugh and have fun with the people I care about most, I love making fun memories, doing crazy random stuff just to have fun. . . . I love to travel. There is a long list of places I'm going to visit, a couple of them are all over Italy & Sicily, the Greek Islands (Santorini Island in Greece), South America especially Equador, Australia (in summer of '08!) and many many other places. I enjoy going to the beach often, water sports (especially surfing & kayaking), volleyball, going out on my marine biologist friends research boat and chasing & swimming with dolphins, dancing, relaxing in the jacuzze, I enjoy getting pedicures & back/hand/feet massages (2 of my weaknesses. . . along with my life long comfort food Sushi & sweet tooth cravings of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough/Green Tea or Spumoni Ice Cream) ;-) I love camping (especially by the beach)--One of my favorite memories is watching the "red tide" in Carpinteria at night, absolutly unforgettable-- also my Uncle Tony has in the past couple years introduced me to fishing, by taking me on fishing trips, now I love it! I love taking road trips, and just driving with no specific destination in mind. . . . I love to explore, its really awesome the places you find. . . . I'm Catholic, and I'm involved with the Young Adult ministry. Also for about 2 years now, I've gotten into the "vitamin" & being heathly scene, so on average, I take more vitamins everyday than you want to know & whey/soy protein shakes, etc. As long as you can have a good time & good conversation with who you're spending time with, it doesn't really matter as much what you're doing.

I'd like to meet:

My cousins in Italy. . . its not exactly "who" I'd like to meet, but where I'd like to travel, there is so much I want to see & do. . . . I enjoy very much meeting new people and making new friends.


Music is a big love of mine, I appreciate many different parts of it. I've played the piano for about 10 years, although I'm no where near awesome. . . its a work in progress. I've also been working on learning the guitar for about the last 3 years, thats still a BIG work in progress. . . . I'm still very much a beginner, I need to find someone to sit down with me and help me learn. I love watching other people play different instruments, it amazes me to watch someone make music. . . . . I've always admired anyone who can play any type of instrument. As far as listening to music, I listen to many different types of music, to much to name all, but I have to say that there is some really ridiculous music that I just can't stand listening too. . . . pretty much if its not country or really obnoxious. . . I'll listen to it! I also like all kinds of music you can dance to & my friends bands.


I like watching many different types of movies, its really a broad range. . . . as long as its not extremely dumb like a lot of the movies that have come out in that past few years, I won't even bother watching it if it falls into that catagory. I like anything from horror to black & white classics (huge Audrey Hepburn & Lucille Ball fan) to pychological thrillers to I admit it. . . . chick flicks.


With the exception of a couple good shows, HATE IT. . . . WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO??!! TV is so different now. . . . . turn it off and do something better with your time!!



My best friend, Carmen, R.I.P. 1984-2002

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Posted by Rachael on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 08:36:00 PST

Our Multi-Tasking Busy American Lives

I thought this article was well put. It's so true. . . I've been thinking about what's more important in my life, updating my priorities, and how I need to focus and spend time on those things and wit...
Posted by Rachael on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:12:00 PST


OK I admit it. . . I've got a little bit of geek in me ;-p       Get this widget!...
Posted by Rachael on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:18:00 PST

Red Light. . . .

I ran across this old song that brings back memories. . . its hard to find it anymore, so I thought I'd "save" it here. . . . I'm a dork ;-p But if you happen to open up this blog. . . listen to the w...
Posted by Rachael on Mon, 21 May 2007 02:43:00 PST

Supreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act

Here is the news story on it, but first here is a link for the full details of what it is: Click here to read the full Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/abortion/2...
Posted by Rachael on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 03:28:00 PST

One of Life's Unfortunate Milestone's

Tomorrow morning is my court date in Valencia for my very first speeding ticket.  I was caught last January, in the middle of the night, it was just past mid-night on the 14 South ...
Posted by Rachael on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST

To my AV friends ***Monster Fitness***

Monster Fitness is the brand new gym in the AV located in the Lancaster Outdoor Mall. It's really awesome, lots of new classes, I just went to a boxing class tonight, it was so much fun & a great...
Posted by Rachael on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 10:21:00 PST

*~* First Kiss *~*

So, it's your first kiss and several questions might come to mind:        Is it the right time?       Is anyone watching?        Does your pa...
Posted by Rachael on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:32:00 PST

Since we've been together ;-)

    Free Countup Timers at WishAFriend.com..    ...
Posted by Rachael on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 02:52:00 PST

SFMYA Newsletter

It just came out! Check out page 4 ;-) http://www.sfmya.org/administrative/tot_newsletters/newslett er_pdfs/newsletter_issue_6.pdf Happy Holidays! ~Rachael~  ...
Posted by Rachael on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 02:23:00 PST