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I've been asked if I had a code for my banner, and I'm delighted at the responses I'm getting! So YES!!! If you would like to help me out and place my banner on your site, I'd be more than thrilled! Just copy and highlight the text below and paste it into your website! Thank you! Much love, hugs n kisses xoxoxo...
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"Don't Piss On My Boots And Tell Me It's Raining"
I'm a Libra on a Scorpio Cusp...What does that mean? I was born between the time Libra ends and Scorpio starts...this makes me-good points and bad-...strongly intuitive, need to be well-liked, stubborn, determined, seductive, attractive, commanding, intense,skilled at communication & abstract reasoning, lusty, perceptive to others, high interest in others, motivated, loyal, often misunderstood, may be seen as dictatorial or sarcastic, mystical and scientific,lazy streak, playful, romantic, devoted,intimate, dependent on their partner, drive for peace and harmony,determination to see things through to the end, skill at seeing all sides of a situation with great passion & strength makes them one of the most powerful characters of the Zodiac.
"She’s really honest so if you don’t want to hear the truth of how she feels, don’t ask. She is dramatic and sensual. When she’s fallen for you this girl will not let go even when it becomes painfully obvious she should. She can be impulsive and wild which is part of her charming allure."
People with fake pics
Guys begging for naked pictures
Guys begging for sex= phone, cyber sex, real sex
Underaged Perverts ( I dont need no jail bait )
Guys wanting to be my friend but only have pictures of only skinny chicks, which, kind of makes me leary ( as I am a big "proud" gal- BB"P"W= Big Beautiful Proud Woman)
People with no pictures! Okay this is not a real bad thing, but, it would be nice to see a face :)
Profiles with no info whatsoever...I mean come on! You have to have some kind of interests! ;)
Messages that just say "Hi" or "Wazzup?" I have no desire to respond to these abbreviated, grade school, lacking-sentence-structure, emails. I mean, there should be some substance to the message, I believe, personally. Sorry if I sound bitchy.
General rude and nasty emails. Yes, I do like to take provacative and sexy pictures. Yes, I do like to express my sexuality .. as is my right to do so...BUT, this gives no one the right to be rude, nasty, bad-mannered, impolite, uncouth, vulgar, insulting, obscene, uncivilized, crude, coarse, lewd or raunchy, etcccc... you get my point.
I don't do drugs or care for anyone who does (call me square, conservative, stick-in-the-mud, whatever...that's just who I am...and I've seen what drugs can do and how they can destroy a lot of my family..."e-nuff said" ( although I am known to smoke and have a drink occasionally myself, nothing illegal or crap that gets me incarcerated!!!
I am an Enigma, contrarily, I can be complex. I don't know why some say, I'm a contradiction? ...someone once told me, being mysterious, was rather annoying, but this is me, this is how I am, in all honesty. I can be hard to get to know…but who really knows anyone? I am learning to open up with people coming from a very private family life, over protected, most the time, and learning to spread my wings and fly… I'm rather misjudged, and my need for privacy, at times can be mistaken for vanity, snobbery and unfriendliness. Sometimes an introvert, which is the artist in me, other times an extrovert, friendly and chatty, the social butterfly in me, because of this, I can be viewed as moody. I value my space, but I also love making new friends too. Once you do get to know me, I can be very loving, open, and a great listener, adviser, and friend. I am told I have a very kind, warm, fragile, heart, but I am learning to place a protective barrier around my porcelain heart, to keep it from breaking. I am going through a divorce at this time…so I am not fully single nor fully taken… this time of my life is a metamorphous for me. For once my eyes are opening to new adventures, people, experiences, and life… I was married for twenty years as a child bride, and never had the chance to experience life as others had…I see myself as a virgin in the experiences of dating, relationships, friendships and the like…but, don’t think I am vulnerable, as I will not let anyone run me over, take advantage of me, nor try to use me… some have tried and failed. ;)
I like being sexy and sometimes flirt, doesn't mean I want to get all naughty online …I am a mother/aspiring BBW/ Plus Size model & freelance artist... I dabble in the arts and music, piano, guitar...I enjoy spending time with my 20 y/o daughter who is a a band, and many unsuccessful ones in the past...but she keeps on pushing!!! She’s also a college student. I also spend time with my niece whom is 14 and a freshman in high school that I am raising for now… {My sister's kid}
More about me…
I'm a BBW-big beautiful woman...I'm 37 I'm a pretty cool person most of the time unless you F*ck with me or my family. I enjoy meeting cool people and just having a good time... music & art are an important part of who I am, and my life. I play piano, mess with the drums, and diddle with the guitar both electric and acoustic. I've been playing piano since I was around 8 years old off and on through out my life but I haven't kept up with practicing! It's a lot like riding a bike though, you never forget really. You just get out of practice. I was brought up around musicians being in a gospel type church most my life so these instruments all came natural for me, as well as's just practice, practice, practice...then comes the dedication part. I also enjoy writing poetry & prose, and short stories, I always did well in English class in school, so I guess I had a knack for writing, but again this also takes practice to be good at it, so, I just do it for my own enjoyment and stress release. A lot of what I write may be gloomy or dark, since I do write during those bleak times of my life that is, when I am most motivated to write. I also enjoy painting. The mediums I use are watercolors, pencil, pen, colored pencils, markers, charcoal, etc., anything really in addition or by itself with or without my paintings. I have done a few BBW art and plan on doing more in the future. Some of art is also dark and morose in nature at times, which was when I seem to be motivated to draw.