.img src="http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:bJPwUmny XG8J:www.toywebb.net/images/bratzlogo.jpg"
font face="geargia"
Breakaway by:kelly clarkson,Toxic by:Britney,Leaving on a jet plane by:Chantal(the original),Everything i own by:Aiza Seguerra
img src="http://www.visualgallery.com/stones/lips.jpg"
img src="http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:768vV8Mt -2UJ:gagirl.com.phtemp.com/cards/kisses/kss15.gif"img src="http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:6xDhyVEX VU8J:www.wtv-zone.com/califPamela/Fairy-Images/fairywinking. jpg"But u know when i saw FELSON last night Oct.12,2004 exact date,i feel somethin' wen we talk(ohh gush here i go again)maybe that tym i was so hungry....I have my new hero now and his name is CHANNNIE(cute diba?)we started our relationship last Nov.21,2004 and maybe his my dreamboy,he is a GOOD KISSER thats why i like him very much.....