About 4,000,000 animals suffer EVERYDAY from animal abuse
About 6,840 animals die a year and there is 365 days in a year. 6,840/365=19 animals a day die from animal abuse. But we'll never know the exact number.
--------The types of direct violence that animals suffer every day at the hands of people include being beaten, mutilated, shot, set on fire or otherwise tortured. The intentional suffering inflicted on these animals can result in severe injury or death.Other animals suffer and die from neglect when they are denied proper food, water or shelter, causing them to slowly starve to death or die from exposure to freezing cold or sweltering hot temperatures. Hoarding animals can also cause suffering on a large scale
--------I believe animals, should NOT be tested on. Its the worst thing ever. They have feelings too. People are just to dumb enough to even realize that. I’m a huge animal fan. I adore them, oh so much. I’d risk MY life, for them. If you think I’m crazy. Forget you. I’m 15 years old, and even at this young age, my beliefs are HUGE. I want the best for them. My career will involve rescuing them. ASPCA officer. Indeed. I do not approve of horrible treatment to such creatures. They are much more than that. Using them to test, house-held products, make-up, Meds. etc, that is so wrong. They will, and do not react the same way, us humans would to it. Its a bunch of crap! I absolutely hate it. This needs to stop. I cannot believe people, in this world, would even dream of wanted to either, support it, or do it in general. People should be thrown into jail for this.They deserve to be on this planet, just as much as we do. It is VERY disturbing, to say the least. Why would someone want to spray a rabbit in the eyes, make it go blind, then let it suffer some more? Same with monkeys. Pin them down with chains, etc. test drugs on them, let them suffer some, to see if the drug works or not, and they kill them. That is horrible. I cannot believe it. Leave them in the tiniest of cages, just to sit there for days, to wait to die. That's uggh. It annoys me so much. I didn’t know how much people are cruel to animals, until in my debate class, we needed to research about it. Pssh. It horrifies me. What If we were the animals, say aliens are real (Or some higher/upper class species.) Anyways, they come to OUR planet, and test on us. Keep us in small cages we can hardly stand up in. Take us out one by one, test on us, then kill us. Horrible. I’d like to kill the people who do this for a living. Blah. I’ve seen some videos go around on blogs, from Myspace, videos about animal-cruelty. Its absolutely horrible. I was in tears within seconds of viewing it. D: I don’t understand the sick minds of the United States. This will sound absolutely horrible. But. I believe ending animal cruelty is better then ending war. Want to know what? Eventually, war will ware down. It will. Though the testing on helpless animals, will no. Nope. Never. They cannot speak for them selfs. They need our help. Those who greatly abject. Animals need us to speak for them, help them out of those small cages and be able to live a much better life! That is my opinion. I stand by it, strongly. I would never, stand there, and let an animal die. I would do something whether it involve my life, or not. That animal, I have to say I love the most, is my dog (Cinnamon. Liver spotted Dalmatian.) She is the sweetest thing in the whole world. I could and would NEVER let anything happen to her. So please, those who believe in animal-cruelty. Listen to the point of views of ‘us. Those who strongly believe against it. I don’t know what else to say. Other than, companies, have other opportunities to test their products.
Though, they still continue to test on the poor lil’ cuties. I love them--------------------------------------------------------
by Vickie:
I hate this. It is the sickest thing on the face of the planet. I have a dog and I don't know what i would do with out him. I think its wrong. If I HAVE TO go fishing i would only use worms, whether or not its a shark or not. And if you think about it, shark fishing is illegal!! hello? do you know how many sharks are killed by the minute (like 5000) for shark fin soup? for those who don't know what that is, the fishermen cut off the sharks dorsal fin and then through them back into the ocean, how sick is that? and then you know how sharks are attracted to blood, well…. And if they don't get eaten they spin out out of control not able to swim anymore and/or die of blood loss. Please help!!