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Sanja - Quantum Creator

About Me

It's Not About Money, It's About Being You!

   The Story of My Life:  
20 YEARS TO ESCAPE "9 to 5"
My name is Sanja,
Today I am so grateful that I have underst ood t he power of   " If you can  think it, you already have it! " .
I am so excited about all the powerful wisdom that made me able to receive   THE GIF T OF LIVING THE FREE LIFE OF MY DESIRES, that I decided to share my passion about all this  by teaching it to other seekers, like I had been!
"What ever is humanly possible,
 consider it to be within YOUR reach!!"
 (Chris Howard)

Where have I been before:
I was on a long searc h. As I child I was always playing to be a millionaire! It meant to have plenty of time for exciting adventures, indipendent, and having the power to rescue others who needed help.  A mix of Jamie Bond, Ruby Hood, Jodie Rockefeller, and Brucelia Lee - I guess... I wanted to become a movie director, as I felt this would make me able to continue living advaneture stories when I grow up. 

At the age of 7 everybody agreed with me, when I said I am going to be a rich movie director, a millionaire!
At the age of 12 everybody said, that "millionaire" was nice, but asked which profession I was intending to choose for earning money... ha??
At the age of 15 my millionair's talk was interrupted by advices to please  stop talking such childish rubbish at that ag e.   ... grrr , I hated to give up my vision just because of growing older! Did they have a better plan??
At the age of 16 e verything quickly baceme more serious then anybody had planned. My parents divorced. On one hand it was a release from years of stress. But on the other hand it put my mom into tremendous financial problems and lots of sacrifice. With her income she was not able to keep both children, so my little brother was taken away by our dad at the age of 10. I remained with my mom.  S he had to cover tough monthly payments for debts of my dad's previous company for many coming years. And she had to feed me and herself, while she also tried to buy things for my borther when ever she could.

No time for millionaire's dreams. The focus was on securing daily necessities. Miraculously, my mom managed to not  ever let me fee l like we would lack anything. We had cloths, we had food, so it looked ok. I knew we were in deep trouble. But today I cannot recall bad feelings. She seems to have been able to shelter this away from me. She just always said "We are strong and we will overcome this!" - For me she is a great phenomenon of positivity until today!!

This was when I FINALLY started to practice Martial Arts !!  That was my dream since I was little. The white uniforms with black belts had always impressed me. The calmness and mystic power they were radiating even  when they did not even move took my breath away. But my dad never allowed me to practice Martial Arts, he argued it was "nothing for girls"... what?? Well now that we were allone, my mom allowed me to start with Jiu Jitsu (= includes Karate, Aikido, Judo) and considered it a great thing for me to get educated in self defence!
And? And I never ever stopped. Since 25years. And while a bleck belt is not the end, but A Black Belt is the BEGINNING of Mastery (my sensei said) even more mastery you gain by GIVING BACK ! My sensei said he gives a lot because he was given so much. And I soon experienced how much more I learned by giving back when training my own students, when feeding their hunger for learning like I once was keen on learning, how passionate they grow and how confident as they start seeing first results from their hard work on the excercises!
 Wow - that was another great  life example that

Hey, what about my millionaire's career??? I was 17 and 18 and 19... Looked like I was supposed to enter the standard box?? - good education, good job. I did not have an alternative, it seemed. It was like giving up but I labelled it "growing up". I felt like I had to force myself into growin up - which became a synonym for 'stop dreaming'.

At least I decided, if I must trade my time for money, then I want my time to be expensive!! So I figured a good education was the way. My mom greatly supported me with all she had for many years to make sure I will be able to graduate. As a result I got good jobs, and was what is called "successful" BUT... a pretty good job MEANT pretty much responsibility = pretty many working hours! I hated hunting time 24h /day!!! Where was the time for my life?

I did not call this a LIFE! I new that but to reduce permanent lack of time I cancelled more and more of my private activites - which was a dangerous highway to "cancelling away myself"!!!! And as a result ---  I got sick!! Kicked the end (?) of the road... !!
  Try to erase your passions ,
  and you will erase yourself.
Luckyly as I have always been fascinated by all kinds of mental power s, I had always studied all I could get, did all to deeply explore the subconscious mind , and on my precious spare weekends attended NLP educations, Hypnosis etc. And this is what saved my a.. when I was sick! It was the knowledge about the power of visions that picked me from zero to hero. Out of nothing I decided " Why not become an internet millionaire??" - What??! Yes!! That decision generated a new  amazing force!!  But how to get there?? I had no clue - but I had faith in my  VISION!!

 Do you think
"If you work hard, some day you will have the money
to liveve the life of your dreams."?
Or do you know
"If you live the life of your dreams,
 money always follows!!" 
And the VISON worked out amazingly - from that day on I really started to attract the right people and right circumstances! An amazing family of unique internet marketing gurus popped into my life!! Attraction...! My life trensformed completely!!


VISIONS? - The Ticket To Success!

After the "standard journey" gave me the GIFT of sickness, to make me stop what I was doing, and to make me THINK AND GROW RICH - I cloesed the doors behind me forever. I was not able to return to my job. And the magnetic force of my fixed visions started to heavily carry me forward to my REAL LIFE!
 If I want to be FREE -  I have to be ME.
 (Bob Proctor)

And here I am, designing my life every day! In harmony with the Quantum Laws of the Universe. Learning and teaching. Giving and receiving. Every day every minute of my life I can watch it grow  richer and richer. Jumping out of the bed every morning in a feeling of abundance and freedom, health and peace of mind! Full of new exciting ideas...  Actually... didn't I live somewhat like that as a child... when they called it a "dream&quot

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd  like to meet:
Those who are seeking for more, who want to break out like I did,   who want to reach freedom like I did, and who want to learn how to apply the smart matrix  of   attraction m indset & marketing .
Connect with entrepreneurs, empower those who want to learn, and learn from those who can inspire.

  if you'd like to connect: 
              US: +1-646-736-7751    
   Germany: +49 89 697 2231      
   Skype: Sanja Budin (Quantum Creator)  

  Those who are crazy enough to think they ca n change the World - usually DO.

  Daily practice GRATITUDE -
 which attracts abundant
 HEALTH  & WEALTH into your life!

  'Cause Life Is S upposed To Be Fun!!

My Blog

What Is Holding You Back? Fear?? And I did it anyway!

Why do we first have to get sick or experience a disaster before we stop what we are doing, take a deep breath, and try something new for a change?Fear? Challange yourself, and do it anyway!!Hi, I am ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:45:00 GMT