Art. Jesus. Music. Networking. Food. Iced Coffee. Stickers. Weird/Deviant Stuff. Graffiti. Yacht Rock. Brandalism. Collage. Leather Shoes. Sleep.
movers, shakers, artists, musicians, street cats, hobos, workaholics, slackers, people with a D-I-Y aesthetic, blue collars, white collars, and anyone else who I can inspire and take inspiration from.
Radiohead. Kings of Leon. Ryan Adams. The Virgins. Amon Amarth. Daft Punk. Serge Gainsbourg. Jane Birkin. The Libertines. Babyshambles. Leonard Cohen. The Strokes. Justice. Simian Mobile Disco.
Films By: Wes Anderson. Woody Allen. Martin Scorsese. Michael Mann. Monty Python. Terry Gilliam. David Cronenberg. Akira Kurosawa. Ingmar Bergman. Noah Baumbach. Jim Jarmusch. Christopher Guest. Hayao Miyazaki. Mel Brooks. Jacques Cousteau. Steven Spielberg. Early George Lucas. Jean-Luc Godard. John Waters. David Fincher. Paul Thomas Anderson. Renoir.
Arrested Development. Flight of the Conchords. The Sopranos. Nip/Tuck. MXC. Monty Python's Flying Circus. Jacques Cousteau's Explorations. Ken Burns Documentaries. Twin Peaks.
The Bible. On The Road. The Dharma Bums. Fragile Things. M is for Magic. Guns Germs And Steel. Naked Lunch. Harry Potter. Dune. The Jungle Books. The Snows of Kilimanjaro. Crooked Little Vein. The Dark Knight Returns. The Dark Knight Strikes Again. You Can't Win. The Sun Also Rises. Sherlock Holmes. H.P. Lovecraft. Jules Verne. Allen Ginsberg. You Can't Win.