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About Me

Ok, I did it. I graduated college. The adults in your life as a kid make this the culminating moment in your life. But THEN WHAT?? Nobody talks about that part! So, I've decided that maybe I could just play and have recess for a living and never have to grow up. It's working out for me so far! I've dubbed myself a "Professional Fun Maker". It's great! I work as a teacher aid and at an after school program: After-school Opportunities for Kids (A-OK). I can't even descirbe how much I love my A-OK kids. I spend more time with them than with most of my friends, and every day they make me laugh, they make me angry, they make me SO PROUD, they impress me, and we make each other better people. And they wear me out! It's a good thing it's so fantastic to be outside in Santa Barbara all the time, we play hard! My newest venture is as an event facilitator-slash-dj. That's right, during non-school hours I go to weddings and parties and play music and talk to people and make sure everything is organized. Other very important venture= the goodgame mafia! Coming soon to a good game near you! All in all, I'm totally satisfied.

My Interests

Art, Literature, Theatre, Music, FUN... What do people say here? Buddhist Thought of the Day: It is important to recognize the power of our emotions--and to take responsibility for them by creating a light and positive atmosphere around ourselves. This attitude of joy that we create helps alleviate states of hopelessness, loneliness, and despair. Our relationships with others thus naturally improve, and little by little the whole of society becomes more positive and balanced.

I'd like to meet:

William Shakespeare, Luceille Ball, John Cusack, Jack Kerouac, Jimmy Page, Anthony Keidis, Mark Ruffalo, that hot guy from Which Ones Pink, Craig T. Nelson, Carmindy...


Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Pink Floyd (pretty much any classic rock), Green Day, Red Hots, Modest Mouse, Wolfmother, Christina, Kelly, Nelly F., ... I love all music. So Modest Mouse was amazing, as was Rage at Coachella. Thanks Tom for being my eternaI concert buddy. Most fun ever! So yeah, most music.


Empire Records, Almost Famous, Cinderella, Grease, High Fidelity- or maybe Say Anything, or maybe- actually, anything with John Cusak, he's my favorite. I wish he was my boyfriend. I also like cheesy movies like 13 Going on 30, thought-provoking/hip intellectual movies like City of God, emotional movies like Crash, old comedies like anything Adam Sandler is in and I have to say, Will Ferrell has a special place in my heart, and most things Focus Features does, especially Eternal Sunshine.


Can we talk? I watch too much tv. I admit it. Grey's Anatomy, House, Project Runway, What Not To doesn't help that now we have TiVO!!!!!! The best invention ever!


Alright, I'm trendy in my intellectual hipness. My all time fav is Kerouac's On The Road. Have you read his play that just got published? It's interesting. I also love John Irving novels, any play, Hanif Kureishi, Ken Kesey, biographies/non-fiction, Al Franken, anything people recommend.


My mom, the maf, you know- all professional fun makers like myself....