Pretty much anything once...But really enjoy camping, traveling, reading, working out, snowboarding...
Those who are spontaneous, decisive, opinionated, and manage to maintain balance.
The Human Stain, Snatch, Maria Full of Grace, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Mystic River, 21 Grams, Traffic, American History X, Memento, Monsters Ball, Shawshank Redemption, Murder in the First, The House of Yes, Fargo ..
Am a fan of Prison Break, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, CSI LV, Law & Order...And freakin' Extreme Makeover Home Edition will make me cry every week
Anything by Richard North Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Ernest Becker, Jung, Freud, Matt Ridley, Yalom, Kundera, Nabokov, Otto Rank
Paris Hilton - Who else could parlay colored contacts, platinum extensions, a porn video, and no discernible talent - oh! she can multitask (i.e. have sex while answering a phone) - into a multimillion dollar career?