when i was little, my father was famous, he was the greatest samari in the empire and he was the shogun's decapatator. he cut off the heads of 131 lords for the shogun. it was a bad time for the empire. the shogun just stayed in his castle and never came out. people said his brain was infected by devils and that he was rotting with evil. the shogun said that the people were not loyal. he said he had a lot of enemies, but he killed more than that. it was a bad time, everyone living in fear, but still we were happy. my father would come home to mother, and when he would see her he would forget about the killings. he wasn't scared of the shogun, but the shogun was scared of him. maybe that was the problem. at night mother would sing for us, but father would go into his temple and pray for peace, hed pray for things to get better. then one night the shogun sent his ninja spys to our house. they were supposed to kill my father but they didn't. that was the night everything changed forever.....
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
ah when i was young, before i became a demon