sweet marie profile picture

sweet marie

accentuate the positive. medicate the negative.

About Me

WhateverLife.com ♥
the one person who really knows me best
says i'm like a cat
yeah the kind of cat that you just can't pick up
and throw into your lap
no, the kind that doesn't mind being held
only when it's her idea
yeah, the kind that feels what she decides to feel
when she is good and ready to feel it
and now i am prowling through the backyard
and i am hiding under the car
i have gotten out of everything
i've gotten into so far
i eat when i am hungry
and i travel alone
and just outside the glow of the house
is where i feel most at home
but in the window you sometimes appear
and your music is faint in my ears...

~ani difranco
i'm 23 and rowdy. i'm an actress and my creative nature owns me. i make family out of my friends. i wear my heart on my sleeve. i'm damaged, but not ruined. i'm a huge attention whore. if you treat me like a trophy, i'll treat you like an ATM. i'm the bait - you've been warned.
p.s. the way to my heart:
baja fresh
baltimore cupcake company
steve madden
urban outfitters
crumbs in nyc
perez hilton
teresa castracane - my hot photographer!!

My Interests

clubbing in b-more/NYC/l.a.
mexican and thai food...when i'm not dieting
wandering around cities all over the country
making everyone else jealous with my ZTA sisters (i miss you girls hardcore)
baking star shaped sugar cookies for my friends
telling silly stories while using my loud voice and my hands
taking up space and meeting new people at mosaic/sonar/MEX...etc
being really, really ridiculously good-looking
competing against whomever will take me on in a yeungling drinking contest
going shot for shot with the boys...i always win :-)

I'd like to meet:

bryan greenberg. robert downey jr. sam rockwell. adrian grenier. joaquin phoenix. justin theroux. david krumholtz. jason schwartzman. tim burton. francesca lia block. david sedaris. danny elfman. and lindsay lohan. i love her, wanna fight about it?

mmkay kiddos, if i don't know you in real life, don't try to friend me without a witty message first. and "hey gurl you sexy" is not classified as witty in my book. if you have ever said, "hey ma, where your man at?" or "girl, whatcho man got to do with me?" i most certainly do not want to meet you.

who doesn't love mosaic lounge?


john legend is the l.o.m.l.
tupac, jay-z, busta, tribe, nas, snoop, meth and red, hi-tek, talib kweli, neptunes, eminem, dre, timbaland, cee-lo, the game, 50, ll cool j, mos def
ani difranco, joni mitchell, poe, tori amos, suzanne vega, that dog., imogen heap, jonatha brooke, fiona apple, idina menzel, jill scott

and they might be giants. i love them. always and forever.
paul oakenfold, louis devito, johnny vicious, dj caffeine, dj encore, olive, ministry of sound, nyc underground anything
b-more club music (k-swift, reggie reg, squirrelwide)


to die for
wet hot american summer
american beauty
usual suspects
lovely and amazing
being john malkovich
angels in america
van wilder
the dark crystal
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
lost in translation
girls just wanna have fun
breakfast club
igby goes down
napoleon dynamite
mean girls
to wong foo thanks for everything julie newmar
the big lebowski
donnie darko
october sky
the adventures of sebastian cole
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
willy wonka and the chocolate factory
the rules of attraction


the sopranos
miami ink
the simpsons
veronica mars
family guy
sex and the city
the daily show
def poetry jam
six feet under
curb your enthusiasm
queer as folk
america's next top model (melrose should have won, caridee is a butter face...)


beloved by toni morrison
dangerous angels by francesca lia block
me talk pretty one day and naked by david sedaris
all kinds of plays...but i especially love tony kushner, tennessee williams, and chris durang


legit actresses who've managed to pay their dues and filter through all the crap that masquerades as art and get some cred (i.e. cate blanchett, catherine keener, laura linney, frances mcdormand, helen mirren, emma thompson, and of course - meryl streep 3)

My Blog

grab on to my coat tails before i get too famous

quick things:1)  i now have representation, courtesy of the greer lange talent agency, inc. in philly!!  halleluiah holler back!  i'm 18 kinds of excited.  my newly manicured finge...
Posted by sweet marie on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:26:00 PST

siren song (a.k.a ready, set, i hate you)

"siren song" by margaret atwood this is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistable: the song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons even though they see the beac...
Posted by sweet marie on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST

it's funny because it's true

marie will have to write: I will not be distracted by passing butterflies 'What will you have to write on the chalk board?' at QuizGalaxy.com that's about all i got.  went to schoo...
Posted by sweet marie on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:50:00 PST

i can't knock this outta my head

some things on my mind that keep me from sleep. 1)  my feelings are hurt and i can't make them stop hurting.  this has never happened before.  and yes, julianne, i know you're right......
Posted by sweet marie on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:09:00 PST

ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...a.k.a. why the real world makes me gag

so i realize now that i should have fought to stay in college. i mean tooth and nail, kicking and biting, screaming and weeping. i should have intentionally failed editing and publishing or directing ...
Posted by sweet marie on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:32:00 PST

the diet: effective immediately

i'm officially too fat to zip up my new boots.  crap crap crap times at least 12, maybe 13.  the diet starts now.  goodbye mall food.  goodbye chicken cheesesteak subs.  go...
Posted by sweet marie on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 05:10:00 PST

kevin aucoin, tennessee williams, and i walked into a bar

it's late...or early...and i can't sleep. my blood has been replaced with guarana and anxiety.  the blinding fear of the unknown in regards to my future a la acting is starting to consume me.&nb...
Posted by sweet marie on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:20:00 PST

soundtrack to my life (holler)

Your Life: The SoundtrackOpening credits:amphetamine - everclear Waking up:6 a.m. - amel larrieux Average day:battleflag - lo-fidelity allstars First date:so into you - tamia Falling in love:butterfly...
Posted by sweet marie on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 01:09:00 PST

i'm...kind of a big deal

tiny update from the not so tiny redhead: 1) sweet fancy moses, thank the higher power, i have a temporary acting job.  little miss marie is working as an extra in the disney movie "music high" ...
Posted by sweet marie on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 05:28:00 PST

piercing things is fun (and so is homecoming)

so this little bean decided it was time to bite the bullet and progress into adulthood...or at least pre-pubescsant girlhood:  i got my ears pierced.  and i thought it was pretty fly, so i...
Posted by sweet marie on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:15:00 PST