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I'm not sure what to say about myself.... I have been told that I am a bit "shot out"!!! I have an exremely sick sense of humor, and I think there is nothing better in life than a" good laugh". I don't have much cooth either, I will definately tell you if I have to fart-I guess i enjoy the reactions. (So I have issues...don't we all). I can't say I've accomplished everything in life, but I have accomplished a lot...burning brain cells along the way! Lately I have been trying to restore some of those brain cells by walking down a new and much safer path in life. I am a new mom now, so a new chapter has just begun...Life is great!!! The most important thing in life is happiness...inner happiness. Maybe the" influances for happiness" is what's most important. I don't know...I just know what's important for me. Well, my fingers are starting to stiffen and my brain is starting to cramp so I'm wrapping this shit up!!! OH BUT FIRST I WANT TO FINISH OFF WITH A POEM THAT I TOTALLY LOVE BECAUSE IT IS SOOOOO FRIKIN' TRUE!!! K....................................
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
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