when it comes to interest i gotta go with them details// cause the only thing that interest me is music and females/ theres no need for me to brag // but just putting out there i got all the swag// so no one can beat me// so dont waste your time and compete//
people have this gift but they all abuse it// the gift you have inside you is called music// deep deep all the way inside// your music is composed of your heart and mind// so if you really tap in it yu'll be suprised// with whatever talent you find inside// i have a flow thats nice and nifty// the only rapper im feelin right now if fifty// and after the money flows in he's also gonna be krispy// sorry kanye but you cant compete// after i cop curtis my life's complete//
people's heroes are suppose to rock// like some people like 2pac// and some people depend on rocks// and some hoe's idolize cock// but my only heroes are my mom and my pops//