fAiTh MATTErS profile picture


my ma said just look... and smile=)

About Me

2 light brown eyes
1 smile to brighten a day
1 can arizona green tea
1 heart filled with lots of love and happiness
1/2 cup samoan with a sprinkle of german, irish, indian, american, italian
1 venti starbucks black iced tea w/strawberry & melon
a handful of friends to last a lifetime
my ♥ = fashion
1 digital camera to take mad pictures to reminise on
mac lipgloss
1 jug of apple juice
a big loving family
many memories to run on like theres no tomorrow
now mix all together and you get queen diva...
miss faithful faith

div table td

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

we attract what we expect, we reflect what we desire, we become what we respect, we mirror what we admire

we hot cause we flyy... you aint cause you not!! i ♥ you all long time!!

changing the inner attitude of your mind, can change the outer aspects of your life




my god daughter... yanna=) i miss you and ♥ you baby!!