Divine Andro~gene profile picture

Divine Andro~gene

About Me

The Androgen concept is based on the foundation of universal and natural laws, which define existence reflected in all dimensions of life. Theories have been used throughout history in the practice and study of our physical and non-physical world.
Many of which have been lost, burned, buried and hidden – over aeons. Some fundamental truths are re surfacing into human consciousness and understanding as well as being channeled as we connect into our collective divine consciousness
. We live in a time of mass and mis information. The important thing, is to trust your own inner voice and accept what information makes sense to you – and what you consider common sense.
To feel from the mind and think from your heart.
I believe humanity is more and more ready to embrace infinite opportunities and possibilities in an ever changing world, we are willing to learn new ways of thinking and dealing with things – But what’s more important about the time we are living in, is that we are more willing to look at the raw truth of the matter.
This includes human behaviour and development as well as the world around us, seen and unseen. Science without a doubt works within established biophysical laws of call and response, action and reaction, push and pull, in and out, male and female, black and white, good and bad, masculine and feminine and positive and negative. Interestingly these supposed opposites are simply two sides of the same or whole.
It has been the call of scientists to unveil physical laws, understood by measuring, dividing, and isolating fragments so as to recreate and then manipulate them within a laboratory. From Newton’s laws physics to the study of genetics and nano technology. Such seemingly quantum leaps of faith and science within my lifetime have now been proven scientifically and so will continue - some of which will totally alter the way in which we have understood our origins and the herstory of the Universe.
However, the push/pull, up/down, black/white, male/female of it all, is the relationship that I call ‘Androgen'.
It is the relationship between two energies, they are related, indivisible, and necessary for life to manifest and evolve. This balance, order or partnership is where the power lies…. Language often encourages us to view these entities as separate rather than one of the same, suggesting that they are in fact alien to each other, rather than parts of the same or then part of the same but different. When discussing the whole, it seems that the whole actually is a combination, cocktail or recipe, pre encoded combination that creates the whole! There are only aspects of the whole which is creative by design - which in turn creates its self through the separation of cells - creating its self anew.
(The differential) between the two (The balance or imbalance of the whole - harmonious vibrational combination) is what is called into question and therefore where the emphasise lies, this goes against what is generally accepted , yet inhibits our understanding of this remarkable unique and often precarious fragile balance of the physical and non physical worlds.
Differentials, Ratio, Symbiotic relationship, Paradox, Dilemma, balance, divine dichotomy, Contradiction and the list goes on.
This state which I call Androgen is the harmonious relationship between two seemingly opposing polar opposites in existence or should I say coexistence. This miracle of events isn’t so much of a dilemma for scientists to re-evaluate, but to embrace the natural state of things in our non static universe. (Lets face it, how many times can we re invent the wheel as another external stimuli?)
The paradox is that balance is found through the natural coexistence of reality and not purely in the polar opposites. To put it clearly, things are not simply either black or white but in fact a combination of the two, which needs to be taken into account to understand the underlying issue.
Through the irrational comes rational - its a state of mind / knowning, the origin creates a ratio which can then be examined through present human understanding. The study tends to lie in the ratio that comes up. Our narrow often polarised ideas of norms keep us in a state of difference and indifference (Duality)rather that acceptance of what is in front of us (Whole). Perhaps this is indicative of the human condition as it stands, through years of indoctrination and conditioning and programming.
We are all One
Divine Androgen
A full understanding of the natural Universal Androgen state of whatever organism, organ, or organismic state of existence is being employed. Existence is echoed on mirco and macro levels - It is interesting to remind ourselves that not that long ago we had no idea of the micro universe let alone nano technology, fiber optics, flat screen TV's ipods etc. Less than a century ago, all this would have been considered hocus pocus and rediculed. What else are we unaware of ? after all there was a time when it was freely accepted that the world was 'FLAT' !
Essentially all of nature is androgynous, when we see the sky, ocean, stars, a fox, horse, cat, frogs, lizards and fish.etc we see these animals not their genders but as glorious inhabitants of this planet.
Then we have plants, a blade of grass, flowers, trees insects etc. what makes their life story different tends to be their productive system and sexual behaviour - which I hasen to say occurs far less often than in human beings - We may well be one of the only species with a reproductive cycle of 28 days...hmmmm
Anyway, take away our reproductive systems, and we are all the same. Our sensory system, metabolic systems, genes, talents, intelligence, will, faith, tastes, and the list goes on. What puts us apart from each other are variances in our physical reproductive nature - Which is simply a chromosome and reproductive system
Most mammals have one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell (though for example the platypus has five pairs). Males have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes. In mammals, the Y chromosome contains the gene that triggers embryonic development as a male. This gene is SRY. Other genes (in addition to SRY) on the Y chromosomes of men and other mammals are needed for normal sperm production.
There are exceptions, however. Among humans, some men have two Xs and a Y ("XXY", see Klinefelter's syndrome), or one X and two Ys (see XYY syndrome), and some women have three Xs or a single X (and no Y, "X0", see Turner syndrome). There are other exceptions in which SRY is damaged (leading to an XY female), or copied to the X (leading to an XX male). For related phenomena see Androgen insensitivity syndrome and Intersex. Presence or absence of the Y-chromosome is a method of sexual determination. Before Y-chromosomes
Many ectothermic vertebrates have no sex chromosomes. If they have different sexes, sex is determined environmentally rather than genetically. For some of them, especially reptiles, sex depends on the incubation temperature; others are hermaphroditic (meaning they contain both male and female gametes in the same individual). Origin:
The X and Y chromosomes diverged around 300 million years ago from a pair of identical chromosomes, termed autosomes, when an ancestral mammal developed an allelic variation, a so-called 'sex locus' - simply possessing this allele caused the organism to be male. The chromosome with this allele became the Y chromosome, while the other member of the pair became the X chromosome. Over time, genes which were beneficial for males and harmful to (or had no effect on) females either developed on the Y chromosome, or were acquired through the process of translocation.
Today, the human Y chromosome itself contains only 86 working genes, compared to close to 1000 working genes on the X chromosome. In some animals, Y degradation is even more severe. The dunnart, a marsupial carrying a 10-12 Mb Y chromosome, has only four characterised genes; among them the SRY gene, is the smallest known mammalian Y chromosome.
The Y chromosome in males is considered recessive it does not carry genes.In other words it only takes one gene in the male and two in the female.
“MAN made” ideas such as uniforms,roles, clothing and societies norms have been created to divide and rule..
We have in fact come a long way and what is now becoming transparent should be examined in its beingness. Formulating a more balanced and authentic viewpoint of the world we have created around us, To move out of dualistic thinking by examining ones Androgen ratio. From this stand point we may then move towards sustaining the complex and fragile balance of our universe and hue-man condition.
This covers everything from Physics to Natural history, Metaphysics to Science, Technology to Biology, Genetics to Anatomy, Spirituality, Psychology, Medicine, Sociology and the list goes on. It’s huge! ( Consider the Human condition in relation to static theories and belief systems) And hard to understand why this natural order is not been affirmed from grass roots upwards, into modern concepts of life today. I believe there is being a shift into a deeper consciousness in humanity, the rules that bind us within realms of society and social orders are now becoming extremely limiting and an dualistic pull/push towards further separation (from ourselves and others), destruction ( Of our environment and innate selves) and dis - ease (Of our planet and humanity).
Unfortunately, this will continue untill we realise we are all ONE organisim !
Unfolding - Transformation - Change
Evoking Our Divine Ancestry
The Tantric Language of Light
Etheric Androgen Beings
Our Starry Brethren
Universal Flux
Inspirational Video's by Divine Andro~gene
For- Giving
All that is 'Free to Give'
Arise Oh Starry Friend
"I am the Mountain"

My Interests


Member Since: 15/08/2008
Band Members:



The Reconnections have taught us about this "Being of One Mind/ One Soul" in their exposition on "The Living Language of Light." There are also those who suggest that sexuality, itself--which tends to coax up one's energy, and move two (or more) individuals toward a culmination of "one mind/one soul" (climax) is the original "forbidden fruit" that led us toward a uniting of humanity with the divine............albeit on a premature level........and was, therefore, frowned upon. And it is still frowned upon, in many circles. Add to that the more androgynous manifestations of homosexuality, and the acceptance of same, and we can easily see why all the "taboos" are being applied in our current hyper-masculine (reasoning) and structure-addicted society.

"Today, we recognize two sexes on this earth, male and female, but the image of the Androgyne is impressed on the psyche as a dominant of the collective unconscious. Its existence is proved by the fact that it emerges from time to time in a multiplicity of guises, and in every part of the world.

Plato's Androgyne suggests, from a psychological point of view, why human beings seem to need each other in a way that goes beyond the demands of pure sexuality or reproduction, of companionship or of society necessity. Do not lovers say to each other, "I am lost without you, incomplete. With you I feel fulfilled. I experience a sense of union when we are together."

Of course, the kind of love that I am making reference to is a symbiotic relationship, a relationship of mutual dependence where each person fills very basic needs for the other. Each is the other half of the sorb-apple, so to speak, and one without the other is not a complete person."

The Reconnections give us teachings regarding this newly forming Being, called "The Hermetic Oneself." Walking within a specified portion of the 3D Template, this Being forms a bridge between the "fantasy" longing of Plato's Writings, and the reality base within which we function now, albeit with great difficulty and frustration.

The emerging energy of this Hermetic Oneself--who contains and embraces both "sides" of the Collective Self, while still physically embodying only one side--is a powerful figure indeed. In a sense, he is both Jesus and Magdalene combined into one. The term "Hermaphrodite," which is also commonly employed in this sense, suggests that very thing: Children of Zeus, brother and sister, Hermes (male) and Aphrodite (female), combined into ONE SOUL.

Is it any wonder that human relationships are in a state of transition at this time? Is it so nebulous to understand why the "nuclear family" is exploding? Our souls are dilating, in order to encompass some new truth, or form of truth, that is starting to be realized in some part of the Collective--even as so many other parts are trying desperately to preserve the status quo, by calling everyone back to the "familiar" (family-like) roles and expectations--which haven't worked till now, and would not work if re-employed, simply because they are incomplete in their essence.

As the Venus Energy expands, our thinking and practices around love and relationship must expand with it, or we will be headed for serious disruption. Dialogue on these changes (sex, relationship, society, child-rearing, financial health, and many more) are desperately needed.

As the full activation of the feminine aspect of our Divine Androgen blueprint ad-justs itself... - We Equalize both left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Recovering the full spectrum of experience and awareness...

The Right is the Artistic, intuitive - it is the Shaman - the Link to Spirit and interdimensional realms...

The Left is the Rational - Logical factual - physical/scientific evidence based thought process.

The Left has become the basis of today's Patriarchal, Over Masculine Directive: of Divide and Rule. Experience early on through Education and Religion.

As we surrender and adjust to the physical/emotional knocks from this Matrix we align our awareness with the feminine aspect of our brains and psyche allowing us to reach our higher directive.
Through the complete integration of Left/right brain awareness creating a functional inter dimensional vortex into the ONE -

Reaching a state of becoming a Universal conduit of Light and Love...

Also regarded as Ascension !



Mother Earth - Sublime Synergy - Earth Mother



QI and IQ


Divine Androgen

Female Soul and Male Ego Merged...
Alchemical Union !

Perfect union of opposites....
Universal Androgen Being !

When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female not be female .... Then you shall enter the Kingdom."
Jesus of Nazareth, in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22

Ardhanari ~ Shiva And Shakti ~ representing the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies.


ALPHA and OMEGA - You are the Alchemical Total Reflection - Inner/Outer - The Sublime Beauty of Creation made MANIFEST - All is well, Perfect whole and complete - You are one with all Creation - It flows through you - It is your completion - Your Entire Divine Being in Cosmic Union with it's Self.... This and so much more is YOU ! And SO IT IS ! There is ONLY LOVE !

Separation story of the Divine Androgen.....
Entrapment of the Human Feminine Principle "EVE" - Womb-Man...
Know that we are Animal Desire versus Spiritual Design :
Be clear, Know Yourself - Choose Wisely.

Always Recognise where YOU COME FROM !!!!!

A Rich Divine History
Lets Learn from the Past and Harvest our Spiritual Inheritance !!!

You Are Eternally Guided and Watched Over !
Spirit Guides....

Are we the missing Link ?

Sounds Like:

Sacred Marriage

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Record Label: Unsigned

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