Hockey, Baseball Season, Acoustic Guitars, Bass Guitars, Beds, Gnocchi, Whiffle Ball, Bowling, Kites, Adventures, Bus and Train Rides,Goat Cheese and Goats, Llamas, you get the idea.
Al Gore, inventor of the internets. Steve Bartman, it would be an interesting encounter.
For now: Teenage Bottle Rocket, Sundowner, Fifth Hour Hero, The Arrivals, The Lawrence Arms, The New Pornographers, Simon and Garfunkel, Big Black, The Lillingtons, Oblivion, Apocalypse Hoboken, Smoke or Fire, Das Kapital, The Honor System
adopt your own virtual pet!
We here are all just like Friends, I'm Joey and Chandler, Pam is Rachel, and Dwight is...Kramer
Pynchon, Vonnegut, Bulgakov, Kozol, Swift, DeLillo, Donne, Wordsworth....bleh too many to name.
McCool and his guitar stylings/prose.