Myspace Animated Graphics MyGen Profile GeneratorIt started off in 1991 for me, my brother will come at me with some battle type raps and I would always respond back. 1992 at 12 years old wrote my first song for a school show dare. I got my piece of fame I felt, made front page in the news paper's. 1993 at 13 made my own recording studio 1 old record player I used as a turntable, 3 string guitar and an old dd7 yahmaha drum machine and beat box. For recording I used a tapedeck hooked up to a kareokee machine for that double effect on the vocals with a equalizer. Hung my mic over the water pipes in my basement and put up blankets over the pipes for my walls. At that time it was the shzz. That was my studio. Put out 2 E.P's 1993 created all my own track with what I had. 1995 at 15 stepped it up with 4 track multirecorder. Mic stand, pop filter, reverb machine, korg synthesizer, alesis drum machine, again 1 turn table. Put out 1 single, an e.p called Last Dayz In Time, also was on a couple other people tracks locally. Also put together my first group called Lucid. 3 rappers, 2 r&b singers. 1996 through 1999 just creating, recording experimenting with bigger studios, different artist and sounds. Also created my music crew called FEZAN PRODUCTIONS. 1999-2000 put out my first legit E.P, called Nuttin But Anthems. Over thousand copies made. All sold independantly. Finished up the L.P. then made contact through Vancouver, C.A, N.Y, New England. Got us a little buzz. Performed for the Mayor of Boston and all types of college radio station interviews and airing us. 2001 put out The Big Investment L.P. same thing got a couple thousand copies sold um. More buzz. 2002 the buzz pays off. Put out an L.P called Again-n-Again. Couple months after Put out Fezan classics. 2002 got picked up by a sucsessful movie producer Tony Smith. My brother hooked that up. Ended up working at Jive Zomba for promotions. It was good made new contacts with DJ's and met with top 40 recording artist and producers like jermain depree, 50 cent, guru, r kell and others. Got to know all A&R through the labels even networked with owners of labels. My buzz was risen I now have meetings with Bad Boy Ent. They also was feeling the tracks. Thanks Damon for real mang. My tracks crossed all the way over to Shady Records. Thanks Riggs. I felt good knowing people loved your music no matter where you from or what haters say. It goes to show music speaks for itself. I ended up transfer to L.A. Where I would work with Mark and Sylvia Smith. Very sucsessful music producers and writers for Destiny's Child and others. Waiting for Virgin records that was the label I was going to get with now out here in the West. 2002-2003 I went back to N.Y did my thing on the Apollo in Harlem. Yea I got bood 4 seconds flat. They bood me when they said worcester where I was I had to laugh. A lease I got up there blind and all. I ended up linking with CMB you know Maria Maria. They said alot get bood off Apollo man, evan some of the best got bood off but I heard that track it was hot. We exchange numbers. More networking more connects. Came back home to Worcester Ma 2004 fell off caught up in drama, partying, ladies ext. Fell hard man. 2004-2007. 2008 I'm back people thank you who stand with me and see my talents. Putting out another L.P The Conspherecy. Focusing alot on getting the tracks out there again. Some contacts still there. Life a circle people it goes round and round until it stops. You either fall or start another circle but a bigger one More networking more and new contacts as Miscela once told me but I'm in this game 4 life. God Bless.
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