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About Me

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I'd like to meet:

Facts about me

Name: Heidi
Date of birth: Does it really matter?
Zodiac: Aries
Religion: inbetween
Looks: pretty?
Always ready for: something that blows me away
Love: Frank ♥
Here for: Friends.
Status:Happily taken.

-I'm Heidi.
-Im happily taken. :)
-I have a beautiful baby girl named Carrington Rose.
-Carolina Visual Productions has my heart.
-Apples are yummy
-I really don't want to hear your drama. :)
-Frank is love ♥
-Jordan makes me happy.
-If you get a chance take it, and if it changes your life you should let it.
-Forget regret or life is yours to miss.

Life Changes. I've decided that I might as well get used to it. You should too. ITs not ever going to stop changing.Embrace that, make the best of it. Mine has, and I'm really happy about it actully.
I love a good movie. I occasionally like a bad one too. :P
I'm very thankful for everyone thats been there for me, and the people who are now. :) You guys mean the world to me and I literally couldn't be doing this without you. Sometimes all someone needs is a friend. Im happy that I can say I have a couple. :)
with you is where I need to be.
I don't care how long it takes to get there.
but it's right where I need to be.


Hes amazing. I will always love him.
He does everything he possibly can for me and if he could I'm sure he'd give me the world. He Cares. I dont know what to say about him really. Theres too much. Im lucky to have him. :)

Meet my friends


This will be my tattoo on April 11th 2009!


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My Blog

and this is how it has to be.

-There's a fire in your eyes and I hope you let it burn. -Lost in a simple game of cat and mouse, are we the same people as when this came to light?     ya know, I find it kinda of...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 04:29:00 GMT


Today sucked ass.  Theres too much fucking drama. A couple of people really hurt me today. The worst part about it is that it feels like they really tried to. It wouldn't bother me so much if i k...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 23:03:00 GMT

so long beautiful summer.

I wanted to write, I was in the mood to write. but I wanted it to be different, more meaningful. but I couldn't think of anything at all. becuase, once again, all my thoughts were of him.  &...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 15:22:00 GMT

cant take you in

Hey! OmG its been a looong time! So, Im in Ohio right now. I'm so happy to be here. My little nephew is so cute. Its rediculous. I've been here since saturday and we've really just been chillin out. W...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:56:00 GMT

so apparently

Im just another one of my mothers many dissappointments. Atleast thats what she told me today. Isn't that exciting. Im so over this. I want to leave so bad.
Posted by on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 15:45:00 GMT

CVP 2007♥

you gotta leave me now...... I have never been so close to one group of people in my life. This season has impacted my life so much and the people there are my family. It seems like i say that every s...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:01:00 GMT

it doesn't make me happy.....

Hey kids! SO yeah this weekend has been nothing short of not going to explain the situation because....well just because i dont want to but as of right now i am not longer in CVP.&nb...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:47:00 GMT

quite a scare n stuff

Hmm. Its been a while hasn't it. This sunday was the Friends and Family  Show at EWH. It didn't go as we as we thought it would. It ok. we'll do better next time im sure. I have been practicing m...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:50:00 GMT


I cant say what happened yesterday so i will just put some quotes up here. the only reason you caught me staring was cuz you were staring back...and that gives me hope It breaks my heart tosee how mu...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 05:19:00 GMT


I am so confused about life in general right now. 1 thing particulary come to mind but it shall remain un spoken. MEH!!!! Thats  all im going to say for right now but i will explain when i under...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:32:00 GMT