Water-skiing, snow-skiing, sports (HUGE baseball and football fan), fishing, camping, hiking, volleyball, running, live music, a cold beer at the ballpark, ski lodge, or around a campfire...these are a few of my favorite things!!
I'm a fan of all music! It's easier to list my favorites: Tom Petty, Sting, Black Crowes, The Sundays, U2, Eric Clapton, Melissa Etheridge, Billy Joel, Sara McLaughlin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Metallica, Eva Cassidy, I'm a sucker for cheesy 80's Hair Bands and an acoustic guitar with a beautiful voice.
Beautiful Girls, Crash, Shawshank Redemption, Sleepless in Seattle, Seven, Braveheart, Love Actually, Say Anything.... Savannah Smiles was the first movie to ever make me cry.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
My parents