·:*:·Julie♥Lynn·:*:· profile picture


♥ Life With YOU Makes Perfect Sense... ♥

About Me

I think I..
Just Basic Stuff About ME
To start off my name is Julie[Jewels or Girly if your Craig] and I am 21 years old! I live up here in Ypsilanti and I am a student at Eastern Michigan University! it's my first semester up here and I ♥LOVE♥ it!! as of right now I am "undecided" as to what I want to do when I grow up, but I'm pretty sure I want to Major in Psychology.. Its the only thing dealing with school that I actually enjoy. When I'm not up here at school, I live @ home with my mom in good ol' Hudson Michigan[it's a place im GLAD to be away from]. I also have an older sister named Michele who lives in Toledo OH. I Just recently got a full time job @ the University of Michigan Hospital in the Cafeteria, so i'll be moving to Ypsi with Craig!♥
I Love My Friends
My friends mean the whole to me!I only have a few, but I would rather have a few GREAT ones over a TON of semi-good friends any day. I have gone through some REALLY hard times in the past couple of years, and if I didn't have them, I dont know what kind of person I'd be today, or how I would of survived.[Michelle,Brooke, Shantel...I Love you guys!!]
I Love My Boyfriend♥
I have an awesome awesome boyfriend named Craig and I love him very very much! he's such a sweetheart !!it's only been a few months, but he makes me happier than I have been in a LONG time..and definitely treats me like I am important to him, which Im NOT use to. i thought i was happy before him..AHAH!We go good together, and it feels nice to have a boyfriend who balances me out for once. =)!!!♥
More About ME
I have a job over in the Crossroads Marketplace making sandwiches..[go figure, since i spent almost 3 years at Subway.haha].I drive a Pontiac Sunfire and it's my baby!!.I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-FAYGO BLACK CHERRY SODA and starbursts that come in the blue package!I LOVE me and Craig's bunny rabbit!!.. I ♥ to hang out with my friends and do crazy things, and I ♥ to have fun, but i can also be serious and responsible when needed:)i tend to be shy,until you get to know me..& I'm always afraid people think I'm snobby because of that.
..if you want to know anything else about me, feel free to message...or leave LOTS of comments...I ♥LOVE♥ comments!!
MAY 07': Arizona.....Virginia Beach!!!♥:

AOL Instant Messanger: JLynnSchweikert

.:Loves ♥:. Hanging out with my Friends, STARS ,sharpie markers,Jones soda, jelly beans, my family, Tennessee, laying in the sun, rainy days, sleeping, fish, stuffed animals,stickers, clothes, shopping, purses, HGTV,peanut butter sandwiches,my big sunglasses,decorating, swimming, scrap booking,winter, traveling, meeting new people, coloring, being outside,fall, Care bears, taking pictures, cute little boxes, PURSES, discount shopping. R.a.n.d.o.m.n.e.s.s i have to put lip gloss, or chapstick on before i can fall asleep,i usually take at least 2 baths a day,i actually LIKE the taste of uncooked noodles & lately i have handfulls of them as a snack, im in ♥love♥ with cheese,im a BIG packrat and collect EVERYTHING, i enjoy doing nice things for people... i have probably the biggest collection of make-up... but i don't wear hardly any of it... i'm a -BIG- hopeless romantic, and sometimes it causes problems.i tend to be OCD about my room up here at school becuase it's the size of a shoe-box....i get VERY bored with my layouts here on myspace...very fast, so.. i wouldnt be suprised if it changes 3 times a day:), i dont eat Popsicles they way a "normal" person does.. i have to have a spoon and bowl, if i could be an architect when i grow up, that would be my dream job, im almost 21 years old and i still HAVE to sleep with my baby blanket[stupid i know, but i cant sleep without it], i tend to over organize things like notebooks and what not, i have anxiety problems when i feel im "not on time". My Livejournal! I Hate... bitchy girls, being lied too, head games,my Nextel phone,paying for gas, other drivers, waking up in the morning, thunderstorms, having lots of people look at me when I walk into a group of people, writing papers,feeling like people are mad at me when i know they aren't, upsetting people./
In Love With Love Lyts

My Interests

scrap booking, decorating, building things with Lego's, photography, sharpie markers, colorful pens, the smell of books,

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Julie
Age?: 20[21 on Feb. 27th]
Height?: 5 Foot.
Weight?: eh, 118
Birthday?: 02/27/1986
Birthplace?: Adrian Michigan
Current Location?: Ypsilanti
School/Grade?: EMU-Sophomore
Zodiac Sign?: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: ?
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Blonde with Brown
Eyecolor?: Dark Brown
Skin Color?: Brownish?
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Parents are divorced,i live with my mom and i have 1 sister
Any Pets?: Yup!
If So What Are They?: @home: Dog,3 cats, fish...@ School: Bunny & Fishy
Favorite Relative?: my mom
Least Favorite Relative?: pft... that's mean.
What's Your Heritage/Race?: im german.... and im white.
Political Affilation?: eh.
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Yes i am!
If So, With Whom?: Craig McKinley
For How Long?: 4 months today!![Feb 22]
Are You In Love?: Sure am!!
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Craig
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Nope
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 13
Virgin?: Nope
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 14
Was It Enjoyable?: Not so much....
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: All the way baby. ?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my back..
Best Love Quote?:
Your Friends
Best?: Michelle, Brooke, Shantel
How Many Do You Have?: more than one
More Guys Or Girls?: Girls
Love Them All?: YES
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Jess....& Heather.
Oldest?: Michelle
Newest?: ?
Pen Pal?: nope.
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: Brooke
Flower: My mom
Pink: Heather
Window: Shantel
Heart: Michelle
Mother: MOM. haha
Bread: ME[i know, im not a FRIEND...but come on]
Insane: All;) hehehehehehe
Sunglasses: Michelle &Brooke
Pimp: Brooke[sooo many guys;)] hahaha
Cross: Brooke
Lonely: Brooke[she is lonley in her room@ School]
Car: Brooke[her's always breaks]
Music: Michelle
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer-briefs;)
Thongs or G-Strings?: Thongs
Shorts or Pants?: Pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: Sandles?
Books or Movies?: Movies
Night or Day?: Night
Dark or Light?: Dark
Mountains or Beach?: Both!!!
Snow or Sun?: Sun
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
Guys or Girls?: Guys
Swim or Surf?: Swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: For!
Abortion?: depends on the situation
Bush Getting Re-elected?: against
Suicide?: against
War?: dont really like..... but, Craig is in the Army so I have to support him.
Pants?: Against;) HAHAHA jk
Clothes In General?: Nope.
Penises?: of course!!! hahahah
Color?: blue and green
Number?: 4 & 7
Holiday?: Halloween
Season?: Fall
Movie?: The Notebook
Book?: Lucky
Magazine?: Vogue
Food?: Tacos!!
Drink?: Faygo Black Cherry, and Powerade lately
TV Show?: Engaged & Underage
Song?: Stupid Boy-Keith Urban
Band?: ?alot
Computer Game?: Sim City
Video Game?: Super Mario 3
Anime/Manga?: Nope.
Shirt?: my tan,white and grey sweater from Hollister
Pants?: my Levis
Actress?: Kate Hudson
Singer?: ??
Flower?: Roses
Scent?: Spring
Animal?: ANY
Cookie?: Mint Malano cookies. hahaaahha
The Future
Want To Go To College?: I am right now=]
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: successful. hahaha
Want To Get Married?: yes
Want To Have Kids?: i THINK so
What Would Their Names Be?: Elaina for a girl.... i forgot the boys.. hahaha
How Many?: maybe 2
Where Do You Want To Live?: somewhere warm.
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: wherever i can afford. hahaha
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep.
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: yup. 11
Tattoos?: 1
Smoke?: EWW nope.
Drink?: Yessss. once and a while
Do Drugs?: eh.
Skinny Dip?: nope
Greatest Fear?: someone crossing the center line.... and... lately ive been scared of driving PERIOD.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Mint Chocolate?
Go To Church?: no....
Religion?: i dont know.
Scars?: yup.. middle of my forehead, on my left ring finger, right pointer finger and knee
CDs Owned?: only a few...
Collections?: Sun,moon and star stuff!
Like To Be Naked?: Yes.... most of the time
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Nooooo
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: YES:)
Been On Stage?: Yup
Danced In The Rain?: nope.... i dont dance
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Nope
Weirdest Dream?: prolly that one a long time ago when i cut someone up into little cubes and put them in a box, and threw the box behind a bush. hahahaha
Best Dream?: the ones where I get to see Victor.. even though i wake up crying.
Saddest Dream?: the ones with Victor
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: ..........
Think You're Attractive?: eh.. depends
Shoplifted?: Yes. that's bad for you. you get caught
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: hahahah yes.....
Weirdest Makeout Place?: pft... i dont know.
Like Thunderstorms?: NO.... UNLESS they are the harmless ones that you can fall asleep to
Favorite Shoes?: Etnies
Favorite Quote?:
Best Advice Given?: "you dont have to go through this, your too good for that!"
Worst Advice Given?: to go shoot myself.
Favorite Song Lyric?: What made you think you could take a life, and push it..push it...down
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?:
Glad This Is Over?: eh, it's taking up time so it's ok..
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I'd like to meet:

I always like meeting new people, as long as they are good people, and I like meeting people who are thought to be "different". I have already met the most wonderful guy in the world, so I'm not looking to meet anyone new in that department=]
Columbus Short =]


Panic at the Disco!, Stained,Something Corporate, Jacks Mannequin,Hinder♥,Justin Timberlake, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Shinedown, All American Rejects,Jason Aldean,


How to lose a guy in 10 days, Sweet November, The Notebook, Crazy Beautiful♥ all gushy love movies.. ahaha


Judging Amy, anything on Food Network and HGTV, Engaged and Underage, Real World,




My Friends & Family.

My Blog


Im in one of my moods again. 
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 04:19:00 PST

Summer 2007 So far-->kinda long&step by step....:S

Well.... I just wanted to take some time to write about my summer so far, since i havent actually taken the time to keep up on my blog. ...I moved home from school on April 28th, and left for Arizona ...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST

I am still alive =]

Hey everyone! just wanted to let you all know that I AM still alive. i've just been all over the place.. just got back from Virginia Beach last Sunday...and now i am up in Ypsi until... probably Satur...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:28:00 PST

Weird. random, dont waste your time.

so i'm really confused.....   there is this kid that went to Hudson, and... when i was hanging out with Nick and what not last summer or whatever.... i had went to a couple of parties at this kid...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:34:00 PST


Soo.. the same neighbor that lives under craig, that came up and told craig to turn down his music at 9:00 on a SATURDAY  night... seems to have his surround sound on soooo loud that i can hear i...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:22:00 PST

Because it's only 9:58om in AZ.lol

..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>currents!@*&!*@&^&current clothing:EMU tshirt and PINK sweatpants. current mood:kinda sleepy current taste:Food from Outback current hair:a MESS current anno...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:59:00 PST

I Love SUn.

I just wanted to let everyone know[becuase i was STRESSING OUT about my History Class]...THAT I PASSED!!!!!!  im not going to mention the grade I recieved in that class beucase im not proud of it...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:59:00 PST


...he just drinks sooo much. maybe it's becuase im not use to it... and becuase Brad rarely drank... or.... i dont know. i just need to suck it up...... i've told him that it bothers me, but only in h...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:38:00 PST


So. I move back to hell tomorrow!.OHH WHAT FUN. the good thing is that i get to hang out with my mom more..... go on vacations with Brooke.. and see Shantel MORE!!! the bad things......-Nextel &a...
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 06:50:00 PST


Whooohooooo 10,000 Profile views. *fantastic*Now i have to go dig out my shampoo that's packed away && find a towel so i can take a shower. byebye....
Posted by ..::..xoxo- I Love You Craig- ♥xoxo ..::.. on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 03:25:00 PST