Hosea profile picture


About Me

Hosea is an interesting mix of several different genres including metal, punk and even country. It is the spiritual journey of one man to try and fulfill God's will. The driving force behind Hosea (asides from God) is Jason Matthew Gerrish. Hosea's debut CD was written, recorded, produced, engineered and every instrument is played by Jason Matthew Gerrish after being inspired by the Old Testament book of Hosea.My CD is now available from CDbaby.com. The following sites also sell the CDwww.cdbaby.com/cd/hosea www.hoseaonline.com www.creativeagape.com www.cafepress.com/creativeagapeI still have an account with deviantart.com (www.hosea66.deviantart.com) where you can view my photographs and hopefully soon some artwork.The following sites have soundclipswww.cdbaby.com/cd/hosea www.cafepress.com/creativeagape www.number1band.com www.bandspace.comThank you to everyone that has supported me.

My Interests


Member Since: 29/11/2005
Band Website: www.hoseaonline.com
Influences: Metallica, Brad Paisley, Misfits, Gary Numan, Trent Reznor, Chieftans, Dream Theater, Billy Joel, U2, too many others to list. Most important, though, GOD.
Record Label: Creative Agape Studios
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


My CD is now available from CDbaby.com.  The following sites also sell the CD www.cdbaby.com/cd/hosea www.hoseaonline.com www.creativeagape.com www.cafepress.com/creativeagape I still have an a...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 17:36:00 GMT

Hello MySpace

Hello,       Today is my first day on MySpace.  My new CD is available at a few locations. www.cafepress.com/creativeagape www.hoseaonline.com www.creativeagape.com A...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 18:30:00 GMT