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sOmE pEopLe HaVe WhAt iT tAkEs,aNd SoMe JuSt DoN't..sOmE tEnD tO cOmE uP iNcHeS sHoRt,WhiLe OtHeRs StRiVe FoR pErFecTiOn..AnD iN tHiS LiFe,wE caLL LiFe,FeW wiLL aSsEmbLe,WhiLe ThE rEsT oF tHe WorLd LoOks On..i PrAy tHaT i CaN sUrViVe LoNg EnOugH tO mAkE iT..tHiS oNe Has WhAt iT tAkEs..ThiS iS tHe OnE tHaT's GoNnA dO iT..a YoNkErS soLdiEr WiTh HoLLyWoOd In HiS siGhTs..WhEn i Rest iN mY gRaVe I'm ThE oNe ThEy'LL bE taLkiNg AbOut..tHe OnE WhO wRoTe BoX oFFiCe hiTs unLiKe Any OtHer..SiCiLy'S cHoSeN wArriOr,ThaT's riSeN FrOm ThE gRaVe oNcE aLrEadY..wHeN yOu'Ve SaT wiTh SaTaN aNd CriEd WiTh ChRiSt,nOtHiNg CaN StOp YoU..a LoSeR fOR 25 yEaRs,aNd oN tHe DaY oF hiS 26th,he aGaiN rOse,aNd ShoWeD tHe wOrLd JusT wHo tHe fU*k He WaS..dEsTiNeD fOr GrEaTnEsS.......

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My Blog

Gods pLan for the kinG...

 iN late November of 1981,,, Jesus Christ had a plaN..a plaN that would chaNge the eNtertaiNmeNt world forever..for every million he made,,,, that next oNe would be great..i was that Next oN...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 23:32:00 GMT

a Lions feaSt...

   as he strolls through the kiLLing fieLds, the prey Looks on with great interest..whiLe his hair bLows in the wind, the contenders aLready know their fate..they just stare on wit...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 14:07:00 GMT

thE dEviLs appEtizEr..

   juSt when you think you've Seen it all, She ShowS you more..when you finally come to the end of your journey, She openS up a new path..you've lived your whole life juSt to pleaSe her, and...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 13:53:00 GMT

everyboDys gottA answEr..

   whEn your journEy comEs to an End, whErE you go nExt iS EntirEly up to you..WhErE do you bElong, and what did you do to put you thErE..All the dirt you did, all thE hEartbrEak you'vE caus...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:56:00 GMT

tHe perFect toWn..

 iT wAs A quiEt ToWn wiTh A veRy Low pOpuLatiOn..criMe did Not eXisT iN thiS pLacE..iT wAs wHat yoU'd caLL "tHe PerFecT tOwN.." sAmMy jUmpEd oUt oF hiS sLeeP wHen hE hEard tHe vOiceS screeChing t...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:08:00 GMT

fArEweLL tO tHe Dog..

wFan LosT a sPorTs LegEnd oN thiS daY..20 yEarS oF grEatNeSs..yOu'LL fOreVeR be miSseD..i LovE yoU maD dOg.......
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:38:00 GMT