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About Me

ULTIMATE Pink supports and promotes breast cancer education and awareness. Our online guide focuses on empowering and educating young women. Our goal is to create awareness in young women. The medical profession is telling women in their teens, twenties, thirties they are too young to get breast cancer. However, the obituaries are telling us something different.Since we have not yet found a cure for breast cancer, we believe the only hope is detecting it before it spreads. We can achieve this through a very simple method: education and awareness.Young women are dying at an alarming rate due to breast cancer. They are being told they are too young to have breast cancer - "Let's just wait and watch the lump." By the time it is diagnosed it is usually stage 1V. Breast cancer is no longer your grandmother and mother's disease. It doesn't discriminate because of age. So if you have a lump, go see a doctor right away. Never take "Let's wait and see" as an answer. Demand a biopsy.ULTIMATE Pink aims to educate people all over the world. We intend to accomplish this by raising funds through the breast cancer benefits we put on throughout the year, the profits from our awareness-generating merchandise, and a portion of the proceeds that we accrue from the advertising on our site, next leader will have the power to make significant advances in treatment, screening, and research - for all Americans. And we have the power to elect that leader. American voters want to end breast cancer forever. Until then, we want every low-income, uninsured, and underinsured woman in America to have access to early detection by fully funding the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection program by 2012. Women are dying every day, and common-sense policies could ensure that every woman in America – regardless of her income – has access to life saving early detection. KNOW THE CANDIDATES AND KNOW WHERE THEY STAND ON HEALTH CARE. MAKE AN EDUCATED DECISION - IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!

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Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:33:00 GMT

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Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:31:00 GMT