About Me
Lead Singer and Songwriter for Michael Menace, I'm also an accidental jewelry designer - Lindsay Lohan,Scarlett, Halle Berry etc like my crap..I like red, enjoy the beach, have 2 rockin' nieces Maddie and Abbie and one newphew Zachary, Beyonce had me removed from a party, love to snowboard but i'm no mountain brat (goofy footed), prefer sugar over salt, been on the dog whisperer recently with CEASAR, eat red meat, drive a black suburban, left handed , laid back, kind hearted & had it broken a few times, wear glasses for night time driving, have 4 tattoos and want mo, been ice fishing, never get bored ,collect TIKI crap, fallen off snowmobiles, been kicked in the face, fainted at church, belive in god,war sux, have a rock band call THE MESSIES, watch SNL, like x-mas trees, sleep with a frog shaped humidifier on,love thunder storms and the tower of terror at disneyland, opened for Scissor Sisters, Fall Out Boy, been sexually harrassed :) , still like to make snowmen/women, love scary movies and long nights in Vegas. Spent school years in Minnesota with my Dad & every summer in Houston TX with the ol lady, into photoshopping pics, love summer's and swimming pools...have a gym membership, prefer spiderman over batman, chocolate chip cookies are my fav. like people who smell good or better than me. love road trips, beer,pinball,bingo heheh & Sarah Silverman... Getting back into dancing my ass off or until it hurts real good. Visit myspace.com/michaelmenace for examples of bootie beats. OR www.michaelmenace.com for our video OVER NOW. xo Cheers, KK