Dope Sagittarius profile picture

Dope Sagittarius

About Me

"Dope Sagittarius" is three Jazz musicians who were a popular group know as The Langston Hues in Harlem in 1939. But when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941 these three gentlemen became bombardier pilots for the 669 squadron of the Tuskegee Airmen Corps. During a bombing expedition over Europe, it was believed that their plane was shot down. In reality The Great Afrika Bambeyonder, watcher of the Universal Sound, balancer of Soul, and keeper of the almighty Heart Radio appeared above the earth just as the men were being attacked, and seeing that these three men possessed the power cosmic deep with in the recess of their genes, Afrika Bambeyonder transported them through the Dullvoid as their plane was riddled with bullets. During the transportation, the Power Cosmic deep within them came to the surface and transformed the men. They gained great abilities to control the Universal Sound, as well as the Ultimate Knowledge of Cosmic Science. Captain MC Whistler gained the Heart Radio which whispers the Sound of the Universe through his throat from his heart. Brigadier Swami gained the Power Bombastic, an ability to recreate the BIG BANG with his drums. And LeftTenant MegMan gained the all powerful Big Bottom Bomb, an ability to transform light, sound and matter with his Bass. Traveling through the dimensional rifts in time and space in their B-26 Marauder Bomber called "Dope Sagittarius" the Trio bring Funk to the Funkless and Party to the Partyless bring stability and peace to the universe. Look out for the 2009 spring release of the album KILL THE DJ distributed universally on Buddhabug records along with summer tour dates coming soon to your part of the galaxy.

My Interests


Member Since: 29/11/2005
Band Website: COMING SOON
Influences: Gorillaz, Bad Brains, Tricky, Black Flagg, TV on the Radio, Funkadelic, HoneyChild, Rage against the machine, FunkFace
Sounds Like: You gonna like it
Record Label: Buddha Bug Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The adventures of Brotha man in icyland or McFly in the butter milk part Duex

Party People Its your boy the internationalist Luqman Brown Aka MC Whistler the dope Sagittarius Lead singer of FunkFace. I am starting my first ever Blog on my misadventures as a struggling Black Ame...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 18:06:00 GMT