Always trying to keep fit, so I can go out and eat everything. I'm daily at the gym if I'm not working a 12+ hour day.Although free radio has crapped the bed, I love my XM Satellite radio. RON & FEZ RULE. Pee your pants funny. O & A of course rock Self teaching myself the guitar. Want to be a full fledged rocker, and not just one in my heart. This however may take awhile...its not sounding pretty yet, but its only been a month.My friends in and around NYC are always looking for new restaurants, bars, and fun things to do. Feel free to give ideas, I'm up for everything.
My guardian angel...we're gonna throw down.Otherwise, I'm all about buddays, the more the merrier, although is myspace the way to do that? Who knows, we'll see. I'm at least hoping all my film palzos, past and present, will do a little reaching out.
It begins with U2. First concert I ever saw as a wee lad. The Unforgettable Fire tour at the Garden, big props to my brother for taking this pain in the ass younger trouble maker. Now I try everything, although I shy away from country. Love alt rock of all kinds, 80's British Beat, try me, I'll give it a fair shake. Lately I'm checking out Death Cab For Cutie, The Fray, Elbow. Will always appreciate Jazz and recently, I'm completely in sync with the Standards- I'm talking Motown. Music for the soul, for you and your lady. Smokey, the Shilites. You name it, I dig it. And Mom and Dad raised me on 50's tunes, so they hold a special place in my catalog.And another FOTC Song:
It's what I do, so I'm a complete film geek. I'll see everything, especially if I've got someone to go with. Love the comedies- Better Off Dead, Animal House, Ground Hogs Day, all Vince Vaughn especially Swingers 'Our Little Baby Grows Up!'. Favorite of all time though? Shawshank Redemption...brilliant. Wings of Desire also brilliant. Others? Let's consider movies you can't turn off when you accidentally come across them on TV. There's Jaws, which is insanely well acted considering it was a Summer Block Buster. And the special effects blew back then, yet it still is scary as hell. The ocean has never been the same. The Natural...Even if you hate the happy ending (I'm talking to all you literary snobs) you always get goose chills when Hobbes, in the bottom of the 9th, hits that home run, shatters the lights, defies his keepers and doubters and enters history. Its as good a moment as the Miracle on Ice for me. The rest of the list would take forever, so I'll leave it at these for now. Things I need to see? Well I'm open for suggestions, come on all you too-hip-for-the-room film buffs? What's a must rental?
I'm trying to work myself off most TV, but still love Lost. Finally cut the chord on reality television but was a huge Survivor & The Amazing Race fan. Miss Arrested Development. And I admit, I'm a Sci-Fi geek and love Battlestar Galactica. Proud of it too baby. Best thing on these days. For comedy, the Office is without equal BTW.
Way too many, but if you haven't read Catch 22, please treat yourself. Otherwise, Confederacy of the Dunces is great fun, the Steven King epic the Dark Tower series has proved really interesting (I'm finally on the last, 7th book) and not his usual fair. Yeah, way too many good things I've read recently or am reading to jot down here. Just read anything, even the New Yorker, and you'll be well. Or if you just want to pee yourself laughing, check out any David Sedaris (especially 6 to 8 Black men...I know I peed myself). Coming Up: Skinny Legs and All, American Tabloid, Carter Beats the Devil, Cadillac Beach (much unknown Tim Dorsey), maybe The Unbearable Lightness of Being and my buddy ZR is pushing me to read a Tony Robbins self-help-or-somethinglikethat book (he says it will cure my women woes...I may humor him).
So cliche, but my Mom tops the charts. I should probably tell her that more...but then her ego would just swell to uncontrollable levels. That is one selfless, hard working woman with more love than I can even fathom. Cliche, I know. But true.