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Introducing Underworld Amusements, a publisher and seller of curious sundries and callous broadsides.

You can purchase these titles directly from Lulu. com , and in the near future we will have a fully functional website with MANY items of interest available for purchase.

The Anti-ChristCurse on Christianityby Friedrich Nietzsche Translated and Introduced by H.L. Mencken Afterword by James D. Sass
Released on the 120th anniversary of the completion of this masterpiece of philosophy. In hist most direct prose, he brings a sledgehammer to the frail figure of Christ and his pathetic religion. Introduced and translated by one of the greatest American journalists, H.L. Mencken, and given a lengthy and deep analysis and context by Church of Satan Magister James D. Sass. The back cover features a portrait of Nietzsche by author/artist Jack Malebranch, based on the sculpture of Josef Thorak.
"What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.What is more harmful than any vice?—Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity...."

Ladies in the Parlorby Jim Tully

This is the saga of Madame Rosenbloom’s fashionable establishment in Chicago and of the ladies in her domain. And here is the Jim Tully of “Circus Parade”—the forthright Tully whose language is as frank as life itself. Tully does not pull his punches. The big men and the little ladies for whom Madame Rosenbloom’s house is a social center are portrayed with vigor and hon­esty. The novel is crammed with incident and penetrating word pictures. It is not a story for the squeamish. But if life itself, —that robust, lusty segment of life that is here so honestly and brilliantly de­picted—does not frighten or shock you, this novel will hold your deepest interest.

Upon initial printing of this book in 1935, copies were seized from the publisher and destroyed by police based on allegations that the material was obscene and blasphemous. It is unknown how many copies survived. This is the first printing since that time.

The Iron Youth Reader, Vol. 1Robert Eisler, Marquis deSade, Oswald Spengler, Savitri Devi, Gustave LeBon, Sir Francis Galton

This is the first annual installment of “Studies Beyond Good and Evil”-- the Iron Youth Reader. These largely out-of-print works have been selected as a guide to assist the explorer of the taboo and left-hand paths. Neglected, infamous and infernal texts from philosophy, sociology, history and psychology are compiled, with blank pages for notes after each selection. Starting this collection is Robert Eisler’s exploration of sadism, masochism and lycanthropy; Man Into Wolf. Appearing next in the volume is a short anti-religious tract from Marquis deSade- A Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man followed by Oswald Spengler’s Man and Technics. Savitri Devi’s Rocks of the Sun is an excerpt from her book Pilgrimage. Gustave LeBon’s The Psychology of the Crowd, a landmark work giving insight into what happens when an individual finds himself one of many. The final contribution to the Reader is Sir Francis Galton’s Essays In Eugenics.

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handbook of good manners for little girls (free digital edition)

Underworld Amusements is pleased to provide you with a free digital edition of "the handbook of good manners for little girls".The Manuel de civilité pour les petites filles à l'usage des maisons d'éd...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jan 2009 04:32:00 GMT