About Me
I am... a girl, daughter, friend, student, everything and nothing, a question and an answer, failure and success...
What Am I?
What Do I Mean To YOU?
...And If I bleed, I'll bleed knowing you don't care...
and If I sleep just to dream of you, I'll wake without you there...
isn't something missing? isn't someone missing me?
Everyone leaves me stranded, forgotten, abandoned left behind.
I can't stay here another night.
Your secret admirer... Who could it be?... Can't you see all along it was me?... How can you be so blind as to see right through me?...
And Ooo, Solitude
Still with me is only you
Ooo, solitude
I can't stay away from you
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
My dark angel, black winged
Flying over me, while night lasts
Embracing me with the shadows
Soaring always freely
My dark angel is the life and the death
This is the art of melancholy
In my lovely darkness from within
My gothic world of melodic poetry
My dark angel is the fear
That humanity has caused all along
Is the death, is the objective
Is the only one way to pass away with own honors
My dark angel is the death
Because is the only thing that’s fair
It’s the middle between paradise and hell
No good things, no bad things
My dark angel is the altar of cult
To my deepest pain and depression
It’s the only road I like to walk on
It’s my eternal rest in peace
My dark angel is the dream
Where I can see
I can see all of my fantasies
And I make them real
To my way
My dark angel is into my core
And your dark angel is me
Dolor, masoquismo y otros golpes
___Existen etapas en nuestras vidas, algunas felices y otras, en su gran mayoria y las que mas recordamos, tristes, dolorosas, llenas de horror y espanto.
___Por que es mas facil lastimar a alguien que hacerlo feliz, es por eso que existe tanto dolor en el mundo, tantas penas vagabundas en nuestras almas incoherentes.
___Hay momentos, en que la angustia extrema, te lleva a pensar, que no servis para nada en este mundo y que nuestra inutilidad debe terminar, terminando asi con nuestra vida, sin darnos cuenta, que de esta manera exterminamos muchas almas en pena que se quedan en la tierra.
___Pero entre llantos y desesperación, entre imágenes, recuerdos, y mas lagrimas, lo primero que hacemos el tomar un cuchillo con el que ya nos hemos cortado mil veces, pero hay que tener cuidado por que un cuchillo no reconoce a su dueño, o tomamos una vela para quemarnos, gilettes etc, depende de cada suicida.
___Por que te lastimas por fuera, te heris, te cortas, te quemas, para tratar de sanar el dolor de adentro, creyendo de esta manera que estamos sacando eso que nos hace sufrir de nuestro interior.
___Sentimos placer al hacerlo, observando la sangre, que sale de a poco pero en cantidades, una válvula de escape para sacar el dolor de nuestro cuerpo, ya que las lagrimas son la sangre del alma.
___Y apretamos cada ves mas, expresando nuestra ira nuestra bronca.
___Con el pasar de los minutos, volvemos a la “ normalidad” y es ahí, cuando nos miramos la herida y nos preguntamos ¿Que hicimos? Por que lo hicimos y para que.
___Después llega la etapa de la mentira en donde hay que decirle a toda la gente que pregunta que fue un accidente, que fue sin querer, escondiendo detrás de cada palabra la imagen, en la cual agarramos el cuchillo y con nuestra bronca lo enterramos en nuestra piel, rezando no tener el valor para hundirlo mas y asi acabar con nuestra vida.
___Creo que esta forma de escapatoria de la realidad, es mas sana que las drogas u otras maneras de tratar los problemas.
___No es que quiera recomendarla, pero un poquito asi de masoquismo no le hace mal a nadie, lo que si les aseguro, es totalmente adictivo, y cuando vean la sangre, salir de su interior y se sientan satisfechos, limpios y puros, cada ves que vean algo filoso querran probar a ver que pasa, si una ves mas deslizan ese filo sobre su piel..........resistiran?.
JULIO 2003
"Las heridas físicas terminan por curarse, pero las heridas del alma sangran para siempre..."
I WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Are Expressionism
Moody, emotional, and even a bit angsty... you certainly know how to express your emotions.
At times, you tend to lack perspective on your life, probably as a result of looking inward too much.
This introspection does give you a flair for the dramatic. And it's even maybe made you cultivate some artistic talents!
You have a true artist's temperament... which is a blessing and a curse.
What Art Movement Are You?
Your Values Profile
You value loyalty a fair amount.
You're loyal to your friends... to a point.
But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties.
Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.
You value honesty highly.
You're unflinchingly honest, even when it's not easy.
For you, integrity is very important - in yourself and others.
People may not always like what you say, but they know they can trust it.
You don't really value generosity.
Your needs always come first, no matter what.
And you'll possibly help someone else out...
But only if it helps you in return.
You value humility highly.
You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.
And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.
You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.
Not only do you prefer to be around people very similar to you...
They're the only kind of people you'll tolerate.
You know what you believe in, and you don't like to deviate from that.
You don't hate people who are very different - you just don't want to be around them.
The Five Factor Values Test