miscellanea profile picture


About Me

siniestra by miscellanea is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 Espa&241;a License .
Tabla de Contactos en Español - Joombly.comThis band emerges from the union of two twin souls…On the one hand, Ruth, (vocals) grew up listening to the music underground of the 70..s and 80..s … When she was just 16 years old started to sing and play guitar at some local bands of Alicante Rock Scene... 2 years later she moved to another bigger cities as London and Madrid and get immerse in the Rock culture… It is in 2000 when Ruth decides to come back to Alicante and stops playing into a band to bring up her little daughter, Zoè...who was born in April 2001…In spite of this she never stopped composing her own music… All along those years she transmits her little daughter her love for the music and nowadays Zoè studies music and plays drums,… she rocks!!...On the other hand Jorge, (guitar) learnt to play guitar and bass since he was a child, and used to play in another Rock band in Alicante city, ... His influences comes more from the Hard Rock bands from the 90..s and bands up to date.They both frequented the same bars and some lousy joint in Alicante, but they never met together...until one day... when as a capriccio of the fate, one hot autumn afternoon of 2004, Jorge and Ruth met together at an underground garage where Jorge used to practice with his old band... It was a long time since Ruth didn..t play in a band...but that day they both played together improvising songs and the feeling was so amazing... There was an important connexion and It was also love at first sight, so they both began a professional and a personal relationship since then...and decide to join their musical experience to develope a new project called 4 MONKEYS. It was a new powerfull rock band in Alicante with a very potent live performances, the lyrics were in English, and Jorge played bass then… They put all the hope and illusions in that band so in 2005 they get into a professional studio to record their first EP called “POINT OF VIEW”. They played many live concerts at the most important clubs all around the city and the surroundings, , they also made some radio interviews, wan a price in a local battle of bands, made some local TV shows, etc... with a very good acceptance of the public….but suddenly (when the band was going to record the second Ep “ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW”) the guitarist decide to leave the band for personal reasons... after a lot of effort looking for a new substitute finally the band breaks up in 2007 Jorge and Ruth decide to continue together composing and recording their ideas at home...At the end of 2008 the 2 ex-founders of 4 MONKEYS, faithful to their musical tastes, decide to compose their own topics of different styles and epochs of the History of Rock, (70..s, 80..s, 90..s) that have sunk in into their respective lives... Thus, they begin a new musical gait together this time in Castilian (Spanish) and introducing the synthesizer as a new instrument, being employed hand to hand at everything that carries the band (composition, recording, promotion, etc ..)... They both compose and record all the tracks of their first demo SINIESTRA and promote the music through internet via myspace... The new project, called MISCELLANEA were having a very good acceptance in internet...so they two decide to put some advertisements looking for a drummer, another guitarist etc... to reorganize a new Rock band and be able to play live concerts again… is then, when Nacho (drummer) and Ivan (guitarist) arrived. They joined the band in December of 2008... At the same time Jorge called Ricky ( who used to play drums in the old Jorge..s rock band, and he..s also one of Jorge..s best friends...)… and at last came Zarathustra who played synthesizer at the beginnings of the band, but left the band for personal reasons in April 2009...is then when our little girl, (and Nacho..s girl friend), Alex, joins the band and plays synthesizer nowadays... So after a lot of effort and perseverance at the beginning of 2009 they find the rest of members to complete the band and thereby they manage to create the perfect miscellanea to be able to perform the live music. They are like a happy music family now…MISCELLANEA is: Ruth: vocals Jorge: guitar Ivan: guitar Ricky: bass Alex: synthesizer Nacho: drumsIn April 2009 the band decide to make a first videoclip: SINIESTRA with a very good reviews...At the end of May 2009, MISCELLANEA proudly joins ALKEMIST FANATIX EUROPE to be promote all around Europe...This group is a MISCELLANEA of different styles and different personalities, it..s an example of strength, of witness and overcoming, is a demonstration of loyalty to the own musical tastes,… is an illusion ... but especially it is and it will be always a way of seeing and of living through the life... I hope you follow us in this amazing trip... that you enjoy it!!Zoè, my love, this is for you ...!!HIGH ON ROCK!!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/08/2008
Band Website: www.myspace.com/miscellanearock
Band Members:RUTH (vocals and synthesizer)JORGE (guitar)IVAN (guitar)RICKY (bass guitar)ALEX (synthesizer)NACHO (drums)
Influences: Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, B-52..s, David Bowie, Peter Murphy, The Cure, New Order, The Essence, Stone Roses, Pixies, Then Jerico, Bible, Joy Division, Echo and the bunnymen, Psychedelic furs, The Lords of a new Church, Alien Sex Fiend, Immaculate fools, Led Zeppelin, Magazine, Christian Death, Dead can Dance, Bolshoi, Jene loves Jezebel, Ozzy Osbourne, The Who, Jimmy Hendrix, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, The Ramones, The Doors, Sex Pistols, , The Arch, Black Label Society, Metallica, Sepultura, Pantera, Down, Medication, Anathema, Incubus, Deftones, The Smiths, Smashing pumkies, Velvet Revolver, Cocteau Twins, Fangoria, Glamour to Kill, Satellite Party, Jane..s additon, Janis Jopplin, , Björk, Audioslave, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Cyndi Lauper, Patty Smith, Tool, Los Enemigos, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Guns N..Roses, Guano Apes, Blind Melon, Tears for Fears, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet...y muchos más grupos de referencia de los 70..s,80..s, 90..s...
Sounds Like: ... como la vida misma y como una MISCELLANEA de estilos musicales comprendidos entre las mejores épocas de la Historia del Rock (70..s, 80..s, 90..s)
Record Label: Looking for!

My Blog

Lunes 28/9 entrevista en el programa LUNALLENA de artegalia radio

Este próximo lunes 28/09 nos entrevista Maurizio en su programa LUNALLENA de artegalia radio, desde la sede de la Universidad de Alicante!! Lo podréis escucar en su myspace del programa LUNLLENA y en ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:28:00 GMT

Martes 22 entrevista en el programa MASESPECTACULO!!

El próximo martes 22/09 el programa cultural MASESPECTÁCULO! nos entrevista desde la Ciudad de la Luz de Alicante. El programa se emitirá en varias radios locales de toda España y a través de internet...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 13:51:00 GMT

concierto sala Karisma

Muchas gracias a todos por venir el viernes!!! lo pasamos de puta madre!! muchas risas y mucho Rock and Roll,  sacamos la Punk Attitude y sonido remember ochentero!!... el sonido de la sala brutal, (o...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 15:54:00 GMT

Temas registrados por creative commons

.. Metamorfosis .. de < un xmlns: cc = "# http://creativecommons.org/ns" href = "www.myspace.com / miscellanerock" propiedad = "cc: attributionName" rel = "cc: attributionURL"> MISC...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:27:00 GMT

Una noche pal recuerdo!!

Anoche fue una atentica noche punkarra, inolvidable!! lo pasamos todos de puta madre... gracias a todos los miscellaneos por venir, al Club100 por el trato y aportar la esencia ochentera, a Eona por o...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:45:00 GMT

gracias por veniirrrrrrrr!!!

Desde aqui queremos agradecer a todos los miscellaneos el apoyo que nos brindasteis el viernes en nuestro primer concierto debut de Santa Pola. Tambien al pub BUSHMILLS por dejarnos sacar la ROCK ATTI...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 08:27:00 GMT

Comienza el Espectáculo!!!

Comienza el Espectáculo!!! Después de mucho trabajo durante todos estos meses, hemos decidido salir de las 4 paredes del local de ensayo y empezar a dar conciertos, ... esperamos que los disfrutéis a ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 03:19:00 GMT

METAMORFOSIS en www.myspace.com/petraalkemist

Petra, de Alkemist Fanatix promociona nuestro tema METAMORFOSIS a traves de su espacio. Gracias por tu apoyo Petra!! HIGH ON ROCK!!
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 02:11:00 GMT


Después de 6 meses de espera en los que hemos estado trabajando duro para tener lista la banda y encontrar el sonido adecuado para tocar en directo, ya os podemos comunicar  oficialmente que hemos fic...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 04:17:00 GMT

colaboración de Ruth con "The Eternal Fall"

Como amiga y admiradora incondicional de Sol, de "The Eternal Fall", he tenido el privilegio y el honor de colaborar en su nuevo tema "Salvation" podéis escucharlo en su myspace...http://www.myspace.c...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 15:03:00 GMT