bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA profile picture

bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA

...and I'm a pirate.

About Me

Hey, thanks for checking out my page and my tunes. The positive feedback I get from people feels really great and makes me wanna keep doing more, and that's pretty handy since it's how I make a living, so thanks very much for that.
Meanwhile, I've added another page for posting cover tunes that I've done. Check it out, there are some disturbing pictures there as well that I think you'll like. The cover tunes page is , and my covers of a few RUSH tunes are still on this page over here.
For new friends and visitors, a quick disclaimer/warning -- everything I post here was written, arranged, performed, produced, and engineered solely by me... which means it's all my fault. So there that is.
About the songs:
"Traveling Shoes" was commissioned to be a part of Dr. Maya Angelou's 80th birthday celebration, and is one of the most rewarding honors I've ever been a part of. Of all the gifts this song may ever bring me, the greatest has been becoming intimately familiar with this woman's works. She is a giant. Get to know her life and your sun will shine brighter.
"Johnee Jingo" is a song from Todd Rundgren's album, "A Capella", which is an astounding collection of pieces he wrote and recorded using nothing but his voice and body (handclaps, etc.), straight to tape and through samplers. In the spirit of the original, I've done the same thing here, but added some sparkle with technology he didn't have in 1986. I recorded and posted this song for July 4th, not as a protest of the war, but as a protest against the mindset of vigilante types who think this imperialistic trend is a good thing. It's not.
"When Amanda Hits The Stage" was written 3-25-06 for the 'one that got away' 10 years ago (sometimes those memories of the past are much better than the reality of the present, as it turns out, but that's another story).
"Girl I Know" was written as a birthday present to someone very special to me. The nonsense lyrics are all references to her in some form or another. I'm thankful to be so close to her.
Even sooner than expected, my brief reconnection with Amanda pulled another new song out of me, called "All That I Can't Say", written 4-1-06 and mixed less than 48 hours later. It's a perfect example of how a situation can spark an emotion that writers expand and exaggerate ad absurdum until there's enough raw material to distill back down into a song, which is the process I use for writing about 99% of the time. (Yes, that's thunder at the very end -- an almost perfect spring thunderclap, heavy and soft and distant, that chimed in as I strummed the last chord of the acoustic guitar track.)
And lastly, a song called 'slut'. It's as dark as the title suggests, but there is a touch of twisted positivity in it. See my blog for more details about it than you'd care for.
I hope very much that you enjoy my tunes. Thanks again for stopping by!
Oh, and here's a survey I didn't take.
Q : What instruments do you NOT play?
A : I can barely even make a sound on a flute. And I can't stand to listen to myself practice violin, so until there's a way to get good without practicing, I can't play it. Those two are pretty much it; I'm fine on other woodwinds and stringed instruments.
Q: You claim to be a producer; have you done anything I'd know?
A: Maybe, if you listen to country music (which I don't). I've produced a number of acts in various genres but Chris Cagle would be the one I've sold the most records on. I produced all 3 of his albums.
Q: So you have gold records n stuff?
A: Yup. 2 gold, 1 platinum, and a 3rd gold in the works *fingers crossed *.
Q: But country music sucks ass, by and large; what gives?
A: Yes it does. But like it or not, it comes naturally to me, since today's country is mostly 80's pop and rock, and that's what I grew up on.
Q: But it still sucks though.
A: Agreed. One of my good friends here is a studio musician who is on 2/3 of all country music releases, and has been for the last 5 years or so. He's played and recorded with everyone, but still doesn't think so much of it; in his words, "Nashville doesn't count."
Q: Why does it sound like you're mad when you play bass? Who told you that was a good idea?
A: My 3 bass influences are Jaco Pastorius, Geddy Lee, and the guy who played on Zappa's "Valley Girl" (the utterly inimitable Scott Thunes -- find a dvd of Zappa's "Does Humor Belong In Music?" for delightful footage of Scott's power). When I heard that song after having been into RUSH for a couple of years, I said "That's how bass should sound!" So I hope my note choice is a little bit Jaco, and I hope my tone is a whole lot Geddy and Valley Girl Dude.
Q: Your facial hair looks like a cross between the bass player for Spinal Tap and Lando Calrissian's co-pilot, and now you have a mohawk. Why would anyone want to look like that?
A: I love to make people laugh. Whether it's with me or at me doesn't matter, as long as they get a chuckle. This hair and beard are more or less opposite of my personality, so if it wasn't getting lovely guffaws, I'd change it to something 'normal'. But it's too much fun how it is now. [update] I now shave my head/face completely every month and a half.
Q: You realize it nixes your already-slim hopes of getting laid, right?
A: I wasn't getting any before I did it. [update] This state of affairs has remained unaffected by the shaving of my head.
Q: So what projects are you into at the moment?
A: This is too erratic a situation to describe here, so I leave you with the answer I gave back when I posted this: I just wrapped up the new cd from my band, The Addiction. There was an insurmountable time crunch, but we surmounted it anyway. I'da loved to have another week to mix, but it still came out pretty great. Check it out at .

My Interests


Member Since: 11/29/2005
Band Members: Lala, Beatrice Fastwater, Lara Doucette, Jeff Macpherson, Johnny Johnny, Reginald Hornstein, Dr. Tiki, Kevin Gamble; but mostly Lala.
Influences: I just have to say this out loud: There may be details about my life that I wish were different, of course -- mostly money, being so far away from my daughter, could stand to lose 20 pounds, typical stuff -- but I honestly cannot imagine being happier than I am right now. I have a sacred life based on doing what I LIVE for doing as my primary source of income and I'm surviving on it pretty well, I only work with people I cherish as human beings (how spoiled is that?!), and my daughter is the best friend I've ever had. I keep a low overhead and have a very developed sense of priorities so it stays that way. I've created a home environment I can't wait to get home to. I have a small circle of amazing friends who are the kind of people you'd want your children around. I can't imagine what 'better than this' would even be like.
Two quotes I wanna mention here: Justin Spears wrote this great song where he lists some simple things in life that all have bigger, deeper connotations, as the only things he needs; it's a really great lyric and I just love it. But one line in particular, in this list of simple things he needs, is "some useful work to do." That one line has fundamentally changed my outlook on what I'm doing with my life and my work, and has infused me with a new fervor to create as much as I can, the very best I can. Useful work. Something someone can use. I don't even know how to articulate what all that simple concept has opened up for me, but it is changing me, expanding me, and empowering me, and I'm so thankful for it.
Second quote: "True champions don't even know they're in a race; they just love to run." That's what I feel like. I feel like I've lived for the love of running all my life, and now here I am with the kind of blissful, sacred life I couldn't even imagine 20 years ago, with all the important things everyone else fights and struggles for right in place; I feel like I won something, something huge, and I didn't even know I was in a race.
If anything about my life and the person I am finds itself rubbing off on anyone open to the influence of those around them, I hope and pray that it's based on the simple fact that even though it required immense sacrifice to get here, I did it by never compromising or settling on my dreams -- not just the big ones, but the small ones, the day-to-day struggle to make a life out of my one defining passion, music. Fighting for a life of doing what I love, what I feel I was put here to do, has landed me every important thing I have ever wanted. It can be done.
Oh yeah, almost forgot -- the one way life could be better is if the current administration was brought to a screeching halt right this second, by any means available. Let me be clear -- I don't subscribe to either the Democrats' or the Republicans' mindsets and philosophies fully, and I think it's pathetic that we have a thousand choices in this country for things that are meaningless while we have TWO choices for the party that's going to affect a thousand things we can't see for every one we can. It's this particular administration I have a problem with -- the arrogance that comes with the lies, and the FACT that you can't get any verifiable information about anything going on until it's way too late (55% of all info on the internet is totally false and it's getting worse)... Anyway, what I know is that you can find support for any outlandish thing you might subscribe to, so for now, I don't see where anything I can do makes any difference, so I'll just hope for the best and see what happens. I just know that it would be hard to imagine a future administration going so far in the wrong direction after all the eyes drawn to the office by the last 8 years. I guess we'll see.
Sounds Like: Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work. -- Gustave Flaubert

There is nothing better than music; for when it has taken us out of time, it has done more for us than we have the right to hope for. -- Madame Nadia Boulanger

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. [There is no] satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others. -- Martha Graham to Agnes de Mille, Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham
Type of Label: None

My Blog

On George Carlin and the nonsense on the Web attributed to him (updated)

I had posted this as a bulletin, but it dawned on me that it's good enough to keep around, plus, you can't edit bulletins or update them, so I've posted here instead.George Carlin was a brilliant man,...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 07:20:00 PST

Quickie movie reviews!

I can't sleep when I want to.  It is what it is.  But at least there's a 'redbox' dvd vending machine at the McD's 5 blocks from my house.  So here are some quick reviews of recent movi...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:35:00 PST

NBC and the WGA Writers strike

This blog is going to have a lot of offensive language in it because I'm pissed and I'm in a hurry to get it out.NBC is the tv industry version of the Bush administration. Yes, 18 months ago, I thou...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:00:00 PST


This is the greatest thing I've ever stumbled across floating around out there on the ol' computer intrawebnets tube.  Those of you who really know me will know why I find it to be some of the gr...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:13:00 PST


Working on Thanksgiving.  It's not the first time.  In fact, in my adult life, I've worked many more Turkey Days than not.  It's all good.  I had somewhere to go today, too, the w...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 05:34:00 PST


Ok peeps, you have 14 days to hit this link and download one of the most amazing albums ever made. Ella Fitzgerald Sings Songs from "Let No Man Write My ...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:58:00 PST

bERTs music survey

I almost never do these, but if there's one I should do, it's this one.1. What are you listening to right now?Rachmaninoff piano concerto 3, Van Cliburn, Kondrashin cond., Carnegie Hall 1958.  Bu...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 01:00:00 PST

[completed] Why you should download these zip files and drop 'em into iTunes.

Part of me says I shouldn't do this, but part of me says if I don't, people will miss out.  So I'm gonna do it.Below is a description of the music of Isao Tomita, from an email I sent JJ earlier ...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:44:00 PST

old blog, new title - sick of seeing the old one.

But let it be said, I hate these things.50 ODD Things About You"If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!"1. How tall are you barefoo...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:28:00 PST

I think I'm going bald.

On day 2 now of the new 'do (or lack thereof).  I've always wanted to do this shave-the-head thing, but I dunno...  just never seemed like the right time until now.  It took days of ext...
Posted by bERT less-than-three’s aMANDA on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:52:00 PST