rational thought, radio, podcasting, sincerity, brutal honesty, rhd jeep's that run on biodiesel
My 360 even has a blog . Where it mainly talks shit... about me. It's a free country, I suppose.
An homage, if you will, to both people I find entertaining, influential, or deceased. Updated whenever I'm struck by someone's apparent awesomeness and make it to a computer within the small, 2 minute window I am able to retain virtually any information. If I've left you out, oh poorly misguided actor / musician / comedian / etc., and you are somehow offended by your absence on this list... might be why you ain't on it.So, in no particular order (i.e. I purposely didn't put John Mayer at the top as to not infer that I had a man crush on him.)
Sarah Silverman
Russ Martin
Adam Corolla (radio Carolla, not TV Carolla. Please, not on TV)
John Henson (not the puppeteer, but of "Talk Soup"...er, fame?)
Morgan Webb
Aisha Tyler ("5th Wheel" and Swerve Aisha, not "Ghost Whisperer" Aisha)
J.J. Abrams
Kevin Pereira
Louise Palanker
Laura Swisher
Jason Mraz
Amanda C. (hey, look at that!)
Jon Stewart
Lauren Graham (from "Gilmore Girls", don't hate!)
John Mayer
Tina Fey
Craig Ferguson
Stephen Colbert
Jennifer Garner
Patton Oswalt
Dan Wilson
I like all types of music, though I would never admit to some of it publicly. (How's that for sincerity and brutal honesty, eh!)
I rent more movies than I watch. I'm more likely to be able to describe the cover art to a movie before I could tell you what it's about. I could tell you what I think it's about, though.
Recently I've enjoyed...
Stranger Than Fiction
Hot Fuzz
Harry Potter and the (...just fill in the blank already)
Knocked Up
Children of Men
Sometimes, when I hear someone say "...they just don't make movies like they used to...", I think to myself, "Thank God!".
Because I know nothing could possibly tear any significant portion of the American population away from the television, I take comfort in the idea of being able to watch House on DVD. Or Alias, Arrested Development, or a slew of other cancelled TV shows starting with the letter A, for that matter.
South Park (I like the phrase 'suitcase nuke', or 'snuke', and variations thereof. From an episode of 'South Park' in which they parody '24'. Yes, it's wrong. But funny. And this show almost ALWAYS has a point. And if you can't see forest for the trees, it's your loss.)
Current TV, a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV.
My Family
Attack of the Show!
The O.C.
The Stranger, a book I related to more than I care to admit.
America: The Book
Those self-aware of their dorkdom
Anyone doing what they love without reservation
People who remain unstifled in their creativity