Playing Basketball and Tennis. If I ain't playing one of those at the time then I seriously might be dieing or something because that is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL I do! Haha. Of course I also seem to for some reason have this urge to hit on like 90% of the girls I see in life... so I guess that might be considered an interest too... lol who knows I guess...
OMG I wanna meet teh Lizzie McGuire! Holla!But then again who doesn't want to meet her? :)
My motto is Techno for Sex and Hip Hop for Dance.Haha, I am usually down with whatever is on though!
Movies Schmovies! Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the best movies are the ones with nekkid chix! Haha, just kidding. I could list a ton of movies I like, but the list would be wayyyyyyyyyyy too long! I do own about 200 or sooooooo though, haha.
I don't watch no stinkin TV!
As close as I get to watching TV is like De Grassi, Blind Date, and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Haha, yeah I suck...!
Read and own wayyyyyyyyy too many books. Don't get your hopes up though! They are all mostly boring historical novels! ^5 being a history majorrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Woot woot!Yeah, I have no life... haha!
I been thinking long and hard on this question, and I really feel only one person could EVER fill this spot. SIMBA! He is like the epitome of excellence. He leads a rebellion against a tyrannical dictator which ends in much bloodshed and gets the hottie in the end. Talk about super awesome. If you don't like Simba then just click the x in the top right of your screen right now please!