A man of YAH who believes that you have to DIE, to LIVE.
Not just live, but live in Jesus Christ.
Born and raised in G.I (Gary, Indiana), Lucius obtained a strong testimony that nearly left him dead on the highway or locked up in prison. By the Grace of GOD, he was delivered from the hand of the enemy, and led to the bosom of Jesus Christ.
Since his surrenderance to Christ, Lucius has been bringing the Gospel Gumbo thru rapping and singing, from the church to the curb screaming "REPENT - The kingdom of GOD is at hand!" Lucius also heads an outreach called DIAMOND IN THE RUFF MINISTRIES. 2009 will be the second year for the campaign in Gary, Indiana.
BLUEPRINT RADIO WGVE 88.7, is the radio ministry Lucius hosts every Monday from 5 to 7pm with Rob and DBZ, from the POSTA BOYS.
Beseeching with grace and mercy bounded to his heart, Lucius seeks to reconcile others back to GOD and to please Abba YAHWEH who sent him. "I GOTTA DIE!"
dwayne and mitch concert part 2
&videoid=59112474">DWAYNE AND MITCH CONCERT