About Me
'is this it?' i ask the plat of nachos.
'yes,'it replies'and whats more, this is all it will ever be.'
'impossible' how do you know?'
'i have seen it and this is it. as far as the eye can see there is nothing better. deal with it, join it, revel in it. nake money get a girl be what they expect you to be.'
'fuck that, the money and the girl are fine, but there's got to be the box man, the choice must be there to gamble.patricia lewis got her choice of the box and look where it got her.she's an icon.a superstar. the box could be freedom. old fashion freedom, like what mel gibson fought for in brave heart.'
'and it could be shackles. it could be shackles and have your name engraved on it. it could be death by car crash,legless by hijacking, heartless by heart break, cholesterol in your eggs, wind in your tunnel.'
'but thats the beauty of the box, you could swim in a deep clear pool with dolphins, or be trapped by two sharks in your bath at home.'
'and thats what you want?'
'but dont ask stupid questions about the way life pans out again.its dangerous. the truth is simple, but dangerous. it reveals all the bone, but could kill you in an hour. people all admit to subscribing to it but few pay for their subscriptions.'