Welcome, my people. My name is Vanessa, but most people call me Stone or Nessa, occasionally Nessie. As though I were half as awesome as the Loch Ness Monster.
I'm a damn proud American (even though i've been sucked into living with my friend in jolly old England.) Been to a couple other countries, too, but none compare to home.
It’s all too cold.
Mostly I do free-lance writing, and I’m working on a novel, but I do some graphic designing on the side. I like retro stuff, bright colors, and cats. I can tolerate dogs, but only the big stupid goofballs, like boxers. Those little ankle biter dogs just make my punting foot itch. I like watching football and hockey and if I can round up some guys for a round of butt-whoopin, sometimes I’ll play a little, and I like skating, but it’s just a hobby- I’m nowhere near x-games material.
I’m not very musically inclined, but I’m trying to learn the violin. It would be easier if my ears would stop bleeding. I love writing and reading--written word is the salvation of humanity, the blood and soul of the enlightened world. I love art and i go through sketch books like a junkie through his stash after a detox period. If for some ungodly reason i could no longer draw i think my hands might fall off. And if I couldn't write my eyes would turn brown from all the build up of shit in my head.
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