SLEEP PARALYSIS "REBUTALL"~ASK, AIM = URFANTASY8003~I am probably the most ticklish person you will [EVER] meet.I hate always feeling like I was supposed to live for so much more and with that said, I'm doing something about it.I love waking up before sunrise, reading the newspaper or watching the news while drinking coffee.I [love] the smell of coffee early in the morning or any time of the day for that matter.Text messaging/IMng Queen.I love shoe shopping.Love wearing my glasses way more than contacts.I love proper grammar & syntax. Both English & SpanishI love the feeling I get when I wake up in the morning.I [love] the beach.I'm easily distracted.I love scented candles.I don't have much patience for [ignorant] people, Sensationalists either.Love Truncations.I hate that I always keep my emotions inside.I'm a cornucopia of useless information.I love how I can be feeling the worst pain and still go on as if nothing is wrong.I love it when I meet someone who makes me [smile] every time I see them or when they call.I'm easily [amused].I love my dogs.I love it when its [raining].I never drive with the windows up.I think that nail polish remover and sharpie's smell good.Absolutely love the Baha'i FaithI [never] want to get old.I'm not scared of getting shots, kinda like em actually.I don't like pennies...Or any coins for that matter.I hate the feeling of [regret].I don't take compliments very well.I love how I can trust anyone who doesn't give me a reason to.I love any shade of turquoise // teal // aqua.I don't express my [emotions] well.I hate how I let people walk all over me, I'm the biggest pushover...working on it.I like to be alone a lot.I love [music].I like reading books but only if I don't have to.I love [endless] phone calls.Easily DistractedTHAT'S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG....
Update: Celebrity Blogger Embed Great Saturday Night Live Videos!
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I died dude...this is too good to pass up. Biiiiitch pleeeeze