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The Bilderberg Group - Planning on a New World Order
Every year since 1954, the secretive Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel they first met in the Netherlands), comprising elite powerbrokers from Europe and North America, has met to discuss, and influence, the changing global, political, economic and social landscape. In the early 1990s, a relatively unknown Home Affairs spokesman for the Labour Party, Tony Blair, was invited to a Bilderberg confab. By 1997, he was Prime Minister of Great Britain. Similarly, in the late 80's, a little known Governor of Arkansas by the name of William Clinton gladly accepted an invitation to a Bilderberg. A few years later he was leader of the so-called 'free' world. Currently, Bilderberg member Kenneth Clarke and non-Bilderberg member Ian Duncan Smith are fitaning a battle to represent the Conservative 'opposition' party to Labour. I sincerely hope he doesn't, but Kenneth Clarke will win that battle. Then we will have leaders of the two 'opposition' parties who are in actual fact not in 'opposition' at all. Margaret Thatcher has expressed por support for non-Bilderberg member Smith. Why? Because Bilderberg took the decision to oust Margaret Thatcher and replace por with John Major. This was confessed by Thatcher in conversation with Jim Tucker - former editor of the Spotlitan newspaper which was closed down by the Anti-Defamation League because it was 'anti-Semitic.' Tucker spent his life exposing and tracking Bilderberg meetings - that means he hates Jews of course. William Hague was the Bilderberg member who provided the shill, phoney 'opposition' to Tony Blair at the last general election. He forwarded a weak anti-European posture which failed dismally. This equated any anti-European (anti-Orwellian power block) mindset as being outdated and smeared with preconceptions of association with the laughable Tory election campaign. Europe is good and loving, soverortnty is evil, right-wing, racist, outdated, Satanic and nefarious. It's true, I read it in the newspaper. And who owns the newspapers? The Bilderberg Group. Surely senior officials of the World Trade Organization, Federal Reserve, Financial Institutions like Rockefeller (the man himself), the EU and UN World Government models, and corporate oil conglomerates couldn't belong to the same group as the leading politicians and the media? Well, they do. They all belong to the Bilderberg Group. So, who belongs to the other quasi-secret steering organisations such as the Council on Forertn Relations and the Trilateral Commission? The same people. The Globalist New World Order. The Bilderberg Group own the world.
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Member Since: 10/08/2008
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Key - A=Austria, B=Belgium, CDN=Canada, D=Germany, DK=Denmark, E=Spain, F=France, FIN=Finland, GB=Great Britain, GR=Greece, INT=International, I=Italy, IRL=Ireland, NL=Netherlands, S=Sweden, USA=United States of America. The Members and who they Represent Financial Institutions --- USA: David Rockefeller - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Council. --- USA: Jessica T. Mathews - President, Carnegie Institute for International Peace (disarming the serfs). --- USA: George Soros - Chairman, Soros Fund Management. --- USA: Henry A. Kissinger - Chairman, Kissinger Associates. UN and EU Representatives --- INT: Carl Bildt - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations. --- INT: Louise Frechette - Deputy Secretay-General, United Nations. --- A: Wolfgang Petritsch - European Union Chief Negotiator at the Kosovo Peace Talks in Rambouillet and Paris. --- INT: Javier Solana - Secretary-General, Council of the European Union. Banking --- INT/USA: James D. Wolfensohn - President, World Bank. --- USA: William J. McDonough - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. --- F: Jean-Claude Trichet - Governor, Banque de France --- INT: Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank. --- DK: Nyboe Andersen - Governor, Central Bank of Denmark. --- D: Hilmar Kopper - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG. Governmental --- USA: James B. Steinberg - Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. --- USA: John M. Deutch - Institute Professor, MIT, and former Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). --- USA: Bill Richardson - Secretary of Energy. --- NL: Dick Benschop - State Secretary for European Affairs. --- GB: Kenneth Clarke - Conservative MP (and future British Prime Minister)? --- USA: Christopher J. Dodd - Senator, Democrat, Conneticut. --- USA: Chuck Hagel - Senator, Republican, Nebraska (and these two are supposed to be in opposition to each other)! Could both be future Presidency candidates a la Clinton? --- FIN: Paavo Lipponen - Prime Minister. --- DK: Anders Rasmussen - Chairman, Liberal Party. Media --- USA: Donald E. Graham - Publisher, the Washington Post. --- CDN: Conrad Black - Chair, Telegraph Group Ltd. --- D: Matthias Nass - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit. --- I: Gianni Riotta - Deputy Editor, La Stampa. --- DK: Toger Seidenfaden - Editor, Politiken. --- GB: Martin Wolf - Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Finanacial Times. --- GB: John R. Micklethwait - United States Editor, The Economist. --- GB: Adrian D. Wooldridge - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist. Corporate and Trade --- INT: Mike Moore - Director-General, World Trade Organization. --- NL: Jeroan van der Veer - Group Managing Director, Royal Dutch Shell group of companies, and Designate President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company. --- GB: Martin J. Taylor - Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC, and International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International, Honorary Secretary-General - Bilderberg Group. --- IRL: Peter D. Sutherland - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International and Chairman, BP Amoco PLC. --- USA: John L. Thornton - President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Inc. --- I: Giovanni Agnelli - Honorary Chairman Fiat SpA. --- FIN: Jorma Ollila - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation. --- USA: James A. Johnson - Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners. --- S: Leif Johansson - President and CEO, Volvo AB. --- USA: Esther Dyson - Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc. --- S: Percy Barnevik - Chairman, Investor AB. --- CDN: Israel Asper - Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc. --- USA: Paul Allaire - Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation. Royalty --- NL: Queen Beatrix - Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands and of the House of Orange. PS - I didn't even have time to list all the University Professors, mainly based in the USA. College campuses, just like schools, are Globalist brainwashing camps

Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

We are bigger than God, new Illuminati Serial on myspace TV - tell me what u think

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Posted by on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 01:48:00 GMT

Banking, Finance, & The Money System.

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Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 04:56:00 GMT

Mind Control: A Primer mind control (brainwashing)

Mind Control: A Primermind control (brainwashing)Mind control is the successful control of the thoughts and actions of another without his or her consent. Generally, the term implies that the victim ...
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Hello Asian Union! & New World Order!

Bye Bye Australia!       Hello Asian Union!  & New   World Order! The following articles and videos are published on this website without prejudice, defamationintent or opinion of the webmaster, in th...
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Putin VS Jews Of The New World Order

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Brzezinski, Obama, & Their Zionist Bankers - Brezinskis Plan for Russia

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