You're Timmy! A really really REALLY
"special" kid. Eh, I knew it. Keep it
real .... you're "special"!
Which South Park Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 73%
Self - Control - 54%
Kissing - 79%
Cuddling - 95%
Kinkiness - 23%
This quiz by KillianO - Taken 143526 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!
You are beer! People call you "chill".
You are laid-back, carefree mostly, and LOVE to
have a good time. Although at times you can be
bitter in your words and actions, you can also
be overly loving and flirtatious.Party on!
After all...that is what it's all about for you
********WHAT DRINK ARE YOU??????*********(cmon i know you wanna know) ;)
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What..s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?
"Da Nine"
That's right. You're hardcore and prefer to keep your hands clean. Catch anyone messin' with you, and you'll bust out your nine and cap their bitch ass
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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.
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