In My spare time I spend most of it helping out my Friends and Family by doing things that would put a smile on their faces. I love spending time with my 19year old Son as much as I can. I like playin video games with him as well. I love rearranging things around the house even though I do it for aliving I just can't help it, I love a cozy house. I Love spending time at Home Depot lookin at all the neat Stuff I can do things with....or at least attempt to...LOL!!!.....but all in all I try to live Life the best way I know how. ;)
Wraye, Debbie, & Christine. I'd also like to meet people who want to have a good friend who is willing to (Listen) to their problems with out passing any Judgement on them. The kind of friend who accepts them for who they are, through thick & thin as they say. Life is to short to stay mad, and too Long to be sad.Something To Think About...A Quote from, "The Crow"..."If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never forget them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever..."MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS:Brandon was a truly amazing man. He loved and respected everyone and everyone adored him.Despite his fame,he was not distant. He treated his friends and the people he met just like he treated his family. To me,Brandon combined the best qualities of both an actor and a human being. He was very talented,he was so much in love with acting,that I'm sure he would manage to become a gifted actor. He was unique.A great man in a time in-need of great men. Bran combined everything:beauty,talent,kindness,understanding, intelligence.These elements contributed in making him a rare, unique person. Brandon first caught my attention when I saw him in Rapid Fire. I couldn't take my eyes off him.He was so enjoyable and handsome that I couldn't forget him.So,I watched his other films and I love him ever since. I adore him for six years now. I truly wish he was still alive.He had so much to offer,in acting and life...yet, his short life will be remembered for many years to come.Always the great ones are gone...and Brandon surely was one of them! Brandon might be the son of Bruce Lee,yet he had his own unique personality.He was a gentle soul, a true gentleman and I think he is loved for that reason apart from others. He had his own philosophies,he was a true man with such a great love for life. He had the greatest elements in his character.Kindness,understanding,compassion,a great sense of humor.Brandon had so much to offer to film industry and in general to people that is too bad he didn't eventually do it. He was a true angel,a sweet soul,a perfect human being and a rare one,as well. People like him always leave soon and I believe he gave a lot to his fans,not just to remember him by, but to make it part of their lives,too. And for that,he deserves to be loved and remembered forever. He didn't manage to make many films,but even for the little films he made,I will be eternally thankful to him.Brandon, You are very special to me,as you have always been and as you will always be!!! Rest in peace,my sweet angel!
Ozzy-Shot In The Dark, Pink Floyd-Comfortable Numb, Mariah-Hero, Paul Mc Carthy-Band On The Run, Aerosmith-Crazy, Legs Diamond-Woman, Bon Jovi-Runaway, Guns N' Roses-November Rain, AC/DC, KISS, Godsmack, Rage Against The Machine,No Doubt-Hella Good, Stone Temple Piolts-Crackerman, Pussycat Dolls-Don't Cha, Theory Of A Deadman-No Surprise, Crossfade-Cold, Benny Landa- The Life You save, Mudvayne-World So Cold, Christine Anderson- Hollywood Train wreck & Chopin Waltz...and that's just to name a few.SomeWhere In Time, Halloween all of them, Family Man, Long Kiss Good Night, Titanic, King Kong, Guess Who, Scream 1 & 2, American Pie, Saw 1 & 2, Walk The Line, Sweet Home Alabama, The Rose, Pay It Forward, Aliens Part 2,"People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries that soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes something so bad happens that terrible sadness is carried with it. And the soul can't rest. And sometimes the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right."
I really don't watch to much T.V. but when I do I like to watch comedy shows like reruns of Married with Childern, All in the Family, The Jeffersons. But sometimes I love a good romantic movie the kind that make you use a whole box of tissues by the time it's finished. Kinda makes me feel bad that a tree gave up it's life so that I'd have something to blow my nose in & by the time you know it I've used up most of the Trees in Texas....LOL....I also love a good nail bitting movie...hahaha!!! but I do like to hear from Dr. Phil every now and then, and who can forget Oprah love those give away shows.
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I love reading Chicken Soup Books...and no their not books that tell you how to cook a chicken 101 their true stories about real people and their lifes journies. I find them so Inspiring..I especially love the one called,"Chicken Soup For the Unsinkable Soul".
Well First of all is God, cause if it wasn't for him I wouldn't of made it this far and 2nd is all the Men & Women that put there lives on the line each & every day for us all.....We truly take a lot for granted. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.The other heros in my life are my Friends & Family because without them life would be nothing. So to the person reading this web page now I'd like to say Thanks for stopping by & I wish you all the best that life has to offer you, today & always...