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Marissa XXX

Too Cool To Do Drugs

About Me

i'm straight edge
i'm vegetarian(kill me now)
i don't drink caffiene
i love life
i love the ppl in my life
i never take anything for granted
and i never will.

never settle for anything less then you
live life to the fullest
and don't take
shit from anybody
stand up for what you believe in
and never let your guard down.
don't be ignorant; know your facts.
be realistic but still keep your head in the clouds.
live your life knowing who you are, where your going
and what you represent.
life isn't about trying to figure
out who you are,
it's about creating yourself and broadening
your horizons with each and every new day.

live, love, learn, teach
but most of all
respect yourself.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

myself in 10 years.

AIM little ml xxx



this dumb hoe 3

My Blog

shady as fuuuuuccckkk

yup that's you.
Posted by Marissa XXX on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:58:00 PST

Quit Trying To Be Hard

i think it's dumb when i go to a show and there's always that one girl who trys to act hard, who trys to act like she's better than you, when in reality she's nothing but a fake. i think it's dumb tha...
Posted by Marissa XXX on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:35:00 PST