***NEVER LET SOMEONE BE YOUR PRIORITY WHILE LETTING YOURSELF BE THEIR OPTION!!!!!***i wanna be that girl he's scared to lose...
the one he cant walk away from
knowing she's mad at him...
the one who he can't fall asleep
without her voice being the last one he hears...
the one he wouldn't know what to do without.
**one day he will wake up and realize how much i mean to him, and ill be waking up with sumone who ALREADY knew**i love to party,i always am the one to come up with the bad things to do...and then after the fact we realize we shouldnt have done that.i can make anyone in the whole world laugh..no matter what mood ur in.im the type of girl who will smile even when its been a bad day.i usually say what im feeling, when i feel it....*im a very senstive person
*i love to laugh
*i have the biggest heart in the world
*i care for people who i shouldnt
*ive been disappointed/hurt alot
*my opinion WILL always be stated (rather u asked for it or not)
*i can be a bitch at moments
*i love dogs
*i love to tan
*alot of people think im spoiled
*ive fucked up alot
*i usually never admit when im wrong
*i love to argue
*i dont really get along with girls
*i think more like a guy
* i say alot of stupid shit, but im really smarter than what people give me credit for..i swear =)
Im On A Boat