I'm mainly an illustrator, but also a graphic designer, photographer, artist and musician.
I've often been called a "traveller in style", because i can switch styles whenever I like.
Experiment is what it's all about. I would like to do thousands of other things too, but of course, there are time limitations.
My artworks have been showcased in numerous magazines and books around the world, like these:
• Taschen-"Illustration NOW"
• Anova Books – "The Big Book of Fashion"
• Verlag Herrmann-Schmidt – "Freistil 1, Freistil 2, Freistil3"
• Lürzers Archive – "the 200 Best illustrators worldwide"
Maybe you'd like to listen to my musical projects as well (you already listen to them, they're always in my music player)
here they are:
Style1 : Pop Art, Drawings, Calligraphy, Photoshop:
Style2: Acrylics and Collage on Woodboards:
Style3: Band and Concert Photography:
Style4: Sketchbook / travel:
Style5: Japico-Ink on Paper: