KERRI/Rok-it Ink Hair Makeup Art profile picture

KERRI/Rok-it Ink Hair Makeup Art

I am here for Networking

About Me

I do freelance hair and makeup for fashion shows, photo shoots, TV, wedding parties, special events and willing to try just about anything fun that comes my way. I have worked with Glam Live doing hair, make up and body art, live. I am currently working with the Shock Stars, a new wave band that is on their way to being huge. Chack them out. My boyfriend and I do their hair and face art. I am always up for doing something new and exciting and meeting new people in the industry. CHECK OUT MY PROFILE AT
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My Interests

DWF Photo
Add to My Profile | More VideosRok-it INK, DWF Photography & Silver Press Graphics

I'd like to meet:

People that have no inhebitions with their look or hair. I welcome inspiration and love to feed off creativity around me. Also people that don't decide their look based of what society says or even worse... try everything in their power to do the opposite as everyone else, even things they want to do.ABOVE IS A VIDEO THAT ARIC AND I DID THE HAIR & MAKEUP FOR Directing by Uzed Photography Song by Mr. Egg Germ ft. Typhanie "I found you"


Rok~!t INK's first magazine mention, YAY!


Rok~!t INK's Aric (makeup) & Kerri (Hair) at Glam Live Show


Cover of new DJ Markski CD/ Model: Kasia/ Hair:Aric Makeup:Kerri