ART, children, animals, camping, fishing, chatting, writing, reading, civil war era, singing in cars, handcrafts, baking.
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I would love to meet all the people I chat with online. As for celebrities:
And of course the Pirate of my dreams Johnny Depp,
Huge Jackman, Elijah Woods, Hayden Christensen, Mel Gibson, Sean Astin, Anthony Michael Hall,Rob Thomas, Sandra Bullock, Joe Montana, Orlando Bloom, Jack Black, Kevin Smith, Nelly, Donald Trump and Bill Gates (to see if they'd loan me some money! ;)
A wide variety songs from all styles as long as there is true talent behind them.
too many to list here for that go to my website:
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House, Deadwood, carnivale, sopranos, big love. CSI, Law and Order (all versions).
anything by vc andrews, or stephen king. The Dragonlance series. Steven R. Boyett's "Ariel"
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