Basically,I am 18 years old and about 9 years ago a tragedy hit...I came home from school like any other day,it seemed so normal..untill I was inside when my father went outside really quick to talk to a friend,then all I remember hearing was a loud gunshot then another father dissapeared. I heard that my name was the last thing he said, I miss you dad..Then I raced outside toward the front of the apartments to try and see why my mother was frantically crying and screaming. Then I knew it was my dad. I dont remember how your face looks.... Well little while later the ambulance came and took him away, he passed on the way to the hospital. We were all devastated to hear the news..that night my mom and dad were suppost to go to the hospital to check my mom in for labor, my sister Monique was born the next day. She never got to meet her Father, I am sorry sis..God has his plans and sometimes we don't understand them...Its been awhile and don't get me wrong but i still miss my pops..BUT I am stronger..Now a little more about me..Well in middle school I started to get caught up in a few things I shouldn't have. I started to get into "tagging" and a whole bunch of crews,from their got caught in smoking weed and "slang" here and there..started to steal like everytime I went to a store, it was ridiclous ..BUT I got delivered from all that I was always into church since like man..since 8 years old and I knew about God and I knew it was all I switch things up and began to serve the one and only creator JESUS CHRIST! Now I have been rapping for about four years...I Love the sound of HIP-HOP and I am now using it to reach the broken soul....