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The Chrizzle

About Me

So.. I guess I'll do the mySpace thing now. Since I've been gone for a while, there's been some disagreement about some things I said a while ago. I just want to set the record straight here:
Dad and I are all about people helping each other out, y'know, being nice to each other and stuff. After I left, some people started to forget what exactly I had said, and He was never really a great writer, so it got pretty confusing for a pretty much any time somebody tells you to be mean to anybody else, they just pulled that out of their asses. It got a lot worse than that, though--and this one really disappointed Him--remember that bit about not killing each other? Well, Dad really meant that. It's pretty important, actually.
Oh, and when Dad said that he made man in his own image, well that was actually before white people evolved. He figured it didn't matter since we'd eventually figure out that Africans were here first, but some people had a hard time letting go.. I know I'm just being superficial here, but it's really weird seeing all these pictures of me looking all blue-eyed and pale-faced, ya know?
So.. yeah, I hope you like my mySpace page !

My Blog

But Chrizzle, who can I fuck?

There's been some argument about homosexuality and morality and I thought I could help clear that up right here.Here's the deal: God doesn't care who you fuck as long as they're a consenting adult. E...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 23:38:00 GMT