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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born and raised in and around seattle washington, lived in los angeles for the past 8 to 9 years.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

count chocula, frankin berry, and boo berry.

Car u drive? mustang 5.0
Favorite drink? cold beer on a hot day
Favorite underwear? martini girl boxers
Do you have pets? yes 2 large cats. wish i had a bulldog.
Do you like star wars? yes
What is the nicest thing you have done? given up my weekends to work with someone with a disability
What is the meanest thing you have done? started a argument between two people and just walked away. my job was done.
Where were you born? Bremerton, Washington.
Do you like your hometown? yes, to visit.
Do you get along with your family? yes
How far have you traveled? over land and sea
Have gotten into a fist fight? yes. win some lose some.
Have you gambled too much money? yes. once in vegas.
Ever had a one nightstand? those files are sealed
Have ever been in love? yes.
Have you ever slept in your car? yes.
Have you gotten drunk? yes.
Have you gotten into a traffic acicdent? nope, never.
Ever pee your pants? yes, in grade school
Do you like rollercoasters? love 'em
Are you afraid to fly? no, I am afiraid of exploding on impact.
Ever madeout at a movie theater and if so which movie? yes. harry potter
When was the last time you where really scared? my car was stuck in the snow at night, in the middle of a california state forest. during a blizzard.
What is your favorite cartoon? justice league- super friends
What do you like to eat for breakfast? lucky charms and or hot black coffee
What do you wear when you sleep? commando!, or t-shirt and boxer briefs
What is sexy? a warm smile and a sparkle in the eye
get or give a massage? give
whats on your pizza? pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, extra cheese and maybe some pinapple.


My Blog


Going out to the movie theatre, out to a restaurant, flying on a plane, and now late night at some bars there are small children. Little screamers; throwing fits, yelling, punching, poking, ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:27:00 GMT

What is about driving to Vegas?

Las Vegas What is about driving to Vegas? I remember my first trip to Las Vegas. I had just bought a black mustang convertible. I had it washed and polished like a mirror, tuned up and ready to go im...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:25:00 GMT