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Lovin' Life

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! We are David and Sarah Miller, creators of....
Thanks for stopping by!
It’s obvious that we are living in an information era and we’re sure you’d agree. How could you not? Look around us. Just the fact that we’re networking right now, right here, online says something certainly. And, it’s not so unlikely that you’re checking your myspace right now, from your phone! Crazy.
So, what is it that you’re doing to take advantage of this technology? Have you made your millions yet, by utilizing the information and tools you have at your disposal?
Conventional Wisdom ain’t so wise anymore. It’ll tell you to go to school, study hard, get good grades, work for 45 years, and you’ll get to retire with the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed. Is that really the case anymore… really?
Paul Zane Pilzer says in his book “The Next Millionaires” that in the next 10 years, 10 Million Millionaires will be created in one of four of the following arenas… (see if he agrees with conventional “wisdom”..)
Home-Based Business (work for YOURSELF)
$ Intellectual Distribution (standing on the shoulders of giants in the industry; formulating duplication throughout your enterprise)
$ Health & Wellness (76 Million Baby Boomers getting older, looking for ways to stay healthy and youthful)
$ Internet (eMarketing tools and techniques to get your business to the masses)
Don’t know about you, but we’d certainly rather be in charge of our own destinies , and if we are more in line with what Paul Zane Pilzer is saying here we’d be more on track.. agreed?
45 years (or more in “today’s economy”) of someone else telling you when you have to get out of bed, when you have to go to sleep, what you can have for dinner, where you can live, when you can eat lunch, when you can go to the bathroom, where you can vacation and when, whether or not you can go see the birth of your child, or take care of your aging parents…. NO THANK YOU!
Take control of your future! Too many people will choose to live this life, rather than choose the life they’ve always wanted… it’s easier. That’s BULL.
Taking the easy road short-term will lead you to the HARD road long-term. Period.
We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way! We’re here to train and educate you on how to leverage the tools in technology to create massive Wealth in your life.
We’re in the INFORMATION age… things are done a little differently nowadays… agreed?
There are quite a few people in this world who have attempted to resist conventional wisdom by going into business for themselves… something in the category of relational marketing, MLM, Network Marketing… referred to as many things.
If this is you… we salute you! You’re not choosing a path of least resistance… you’ve decided to harness your potential and create more for yourselves!
This industry is NOT dead as some may tell you. Some of the techniques that worked 50 years ago, don’t work today but the industry is still producing GOLD for millions of people!
Robert Kiyosaki says in his book “The Business School” that if he could do it all over again, he’d pursue a business in network marketing. Robert Kiyosaki, a Multi- Multi- Multi-Millionaire, said this!
You’re on the right track! It’s time to turn up the VOLUME! Start reaping the reward of people pursuing you…
Learn how at:
What happens to your life when you start bringing 10.. 20.. 30 people into your business on a DAILY basis? Does your life get a little easier? Are you able to make more choices?
If you’re tired of watching other people become successful, and you’re ready to make it happen in your life, then click on the link below and find out how we can help…
Looking forward to hearing from you! Let’s partner up and MAKE MILLIONS together…

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Point blank: We want to meet people who want a hand UP, not a hand-out..
Too many times we have wanted more for people than they wanted for themselves, believed that they could have everything they’ve ever dreamed more than they did themselves, sacrificed more for other people than they were willing to sacrifice for themselves…
Do you know how exhausting that is?
We want to meet people who have a dream, who want to change their financial blueprint, who want to make a difference…
People who choose to challenge the status quo, rather than settle for a life of mediocrity.
Not only make the choice, but do WHATEVER IT TAKES to see it through.
Is that you?

My Blog

Things are HAPPENING!

MonaVie is getting bigger than ever!    There have been so many great testimonies to the product and to the business itself, and what it has created for people!   There's certainly NO ...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:57:00 GMT