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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is David Henry Thoreau Jordan. I have hazel eyes and am told I have a fit body. I'm an interesting person to hang out with, have an IQ in the 130's and like to converse on most subjects. Mostly humble but have a strong streak of pride about my work. I am a very passionate person and I can get pretty excited about some subjects. I am pretty much a hippie/techie nice guy/bad boy. I have been described by friends as enigmatic, inscrutable and several other $20 words. I married one of the most beautiful and special women I have ever met in my life, she has a wonderful and awsome son as well.
did you come
into my life
bright and burning,
and turn out to be
like everyone else? My friend Cat says to me
The only advice I give anyone is this line from Shakespeare's Hamlet,
"This above all: To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." So I am back on the market again and feeling pretty darn good about it. I am not concerned with looks, I would like to meet someone that has a kind and loving nature that wants the same in return. Someone that likes to be held, hold hands, and make love every day. I am getting re-aquainted with my family and renewing old friendships. Life will get better for me from here on in I hope. Sandra says, I am the most intelligent man she knows! She also said that she knows that I loved Patricia dearly, and that she is the one loosing here. My friend Lisa says "You're a sweetheart and deserve to be happy!! Don't ever forget that" My friend Doss says, sometimes curses can turn out to be blessings. Relationships are so complex and take so much work. Accept that you will go through a bargaining phase and do anything to get them back. Grieve, but don't obsess. Then, re-evaluate. Take a look at yourself and ask yourself realistically, what was my action(s) that lead to this? Why did it happen? What will I change in the future so that it doesn't happen with the next one, who will be even better? I've been through it, Dave, and you are not alone. You are loved, you are a good lookin guy, and you will be OK. Emily says that I am a really good and sweet man and deserve to be happy. Emily is an x-girlfriend from my past. My confidence is returning again and I am taking on new projects. My energy has returned to its full potential. I do need friends that I can TRUST in my life and wont betray me at the first opportunity that presents itself. As for children I have my daughter Brianna of 10 who lives in Alamogordo with her maternal granparents. I try to be very understanding of peoples problems and have a compassionate nature. Love life freely and with a wild passion from deep within, no one can ever take that from you, thats what its all about. Even the Bible said that love is the greatest gift. Its not money, possessions, or status. I believe that in the end all we have are our stories. I can fix most things, and was a machinist for a total of 6 years. Worked construction alot and can handle most tasks in that field. Built dome homes and several other alternative types of homes. I worked as a jeweler, a surveyor, a DirecTV installer in remote areas of NM and all kinds of other fields that interested me. I worked a bit with injection molding and several other production meathods. I am employed as the electric motor re-winder at Turners Electric Motor Service these days, and find it most satisfying as it uses all of my skills. I am pretty handy with a computer since I have been messing with them since the C-64. I build websites and am very savy with search engine optimization in reguards to them. The online game you can find me on is Ultima Online on the free shard Demise. There in the forums you can even find a copy of the game if you want to come and join us. I go hiking and exploring quite a bit here in New Mexico and know a few interesting spots out there. If you want to go hiking let me know as I go out like once a week and like company with me. I adjust my hikes according to whom I am with. I am at home in the outdoors but hate the cold with a bitter passion. I love cats, they are way cool. Mean dogs are very nice to me for some reason. People often remark that their dog doesn't like guys just as it jumps into my lap. I have a thing for chile of all kinds and absolutly love pecans. I am the kind of person that orders something off the menu I havent tried yet. I cook all types of foods, (yeah i cook) but my favorite is Thai, but there are no good places here. Doesn't that bite? I like Pakistani food as well and Indian curry. My favorite burger comes from Burger Nook on Madrid near Apodaca Park. I have been through alot, more than most but certainly not as much as some. The scars on my soul are more like furrows. The sun and wind help with that some. "Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks!" Capt. Lazarus Long in Time Enough For Love - Robert A. Heinlein. I absolutly love learning new things and am always trying to improve myself in some way. My credo since I was 18 has been: A specialist knows more and more about less and less.
Beauty over wisdom to fit in with the styles Your Cinderella stories, for a price Vanity's a business built to please the unique Silicon and stars collide; the rest will fall in line
[Chorus:] Just as beautiful as you are Its so pitiful what you are You should have seen this coming all along
Visually you're stimulating to my eyes Your Cinderella syndrome, full of lies Your insecurities are concealed by your pride Pretty soon your ego will kill what’s left inside
(Beautiful) It’s so pitiful what you are (Pitiful) As beautiful as you are (Should have seen) You should have seen this coming all along
You're everything that's so typical Maybe You're alone, for a reason You're the reason
So pitiful what you are Should have seen this coming all along (Beautiful) Just as beautiful as you are (Pitiful) So pitiful what you are (Should have seen) Should have seen this coming all along (Beautiful) Its so pitiful what you are (Pitiful) As beautiful as you are (Should have seen) Should have seen this coming all along

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't know everything I want. When I see what I DO want I know it.

If you would like a friend that is understanding and compassionate, contact me. I can always use more friends you know, and could use some really good ones right about now. I keep my inner circle of friends pretty small but like to meet new ones.

To chat you can contact me on Yahoo IM as Megadomeus.

My Blog

Some things I crave.

After having spent some time here on this rock I have come to find several gems in the food world. First there is green chile which I will never ever be able to live without. The chile relleno is king...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 07:56:00 GMT

What will be, will be.

I am not sure where things will go from here on. I know that I love Patricia with all of my heart and would and will do anything for her benifit. When we got back together things were wonderful and ma...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 12:54:00 GMT

Avoid Hoot n Annies

Do not go to Hoot n Annies if you wish to avoid violent encounters. Saturday night a couple threatened several peoples lives in the bar as well as 4 employees. The bartender 86'ed them and was promptl...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 19:51:00 GMT

Delta and Wye Connected Electric Motors 847399
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 06:45:00 GMT

Australian Meat Pies

It seems like I am on an Australian food kick lately. It started when I did the burger with the lot thing. When I lived there I used to LOVE the meat pies. One Greek vendor used to tell me that he wou...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 12:43:00 GMT

Burger with the Lot

While living in Australia I was introduced to many new dishes from many different cultures. Here in America we tend to "Americanize" cultural foods. For instance Sweet and Sour Pork here has no large ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 16:42:00 GMT

Search Engine Optimization

If you have a website and would like help in optimizing it for search engines feel free to ask me about it. A great tool for tracking your websites progress is
Posted by on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 14:13:00 GMT

Come and play with me.

I love playing Ultima Online and I can be found on the UO Demise shard. If you would like to have a truly interactive and colorful chat experience with me feel free to join our ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 21:07:00 GMT

Computer Wisdom

Here I will share some of the products out there that I have found to be invaluable over the years while plinking around on in this silly box. First use Windows Update and get your PC up to date with ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:26:00 GMT

Robert A. Heinlein

I love to read Heinlein, he writes at a level that is just perfect for me. Here are some quotes by him that I really like. The ways of God and ...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 22:23:00 GMT