Brad profile picture


the only reason i'm lisening to music is to drownout the sound of your voice!

About Me

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Brad
Date of Birth: august 15 '90
Birthplace: Manchester
Current Location: Manchester
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'11
Heritage: mostly french and polish!!!
Piercings: none
Tattoos: none
Band/Singer: right now its crossfade and shinedown
Song: cold by crossfade
Movie: hard to say i liek alot
Disney Movie: lion king or jamungi of howeva its spelt
TV show: dont watch much tv but i like family guy and scarred
Color: black
Food: whatever im in themood for
Pizza topping: pepperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor: vanilla
Drink (alcoholic): idk
Soda: mountain dew
Store: umm i dunno
Clothing Brand: southpole
Shoe Brand: DC
Season: summer and spring
Month: august
Holiday/Festival: hmmm xmas i guess kinda ironic since i dont rly like winter
Flower: idc
Make-Up Item: idc lol
Board game: monopoly!!
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: niether
Hot or cold: warm
Goal for this year: pass classes
Most missed memory: me and noel hanging out multiple daysin a row all the time
Best physical feature: mine? no idea ask a girl
First thought waking up: damn school
Hypothetical personality disorder: not sure
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: ?
Fairytale alter ego: ?
Most stupid remark: idk
Worst crime: i havnt rly committed one
Greatest ambition: being the best i can
Greatest fear: failing life because i suck at school
Darkest secret: can tell :-p
Favorite subject: englih with ms. Yohe
Strangest received gift: nothing
Worst habit: sleeping in class
Do You:
Smoke: nop
Drink: nop
Curse: yeah sometimes
Shower daily: yeah
Like thunderstorms: yupp
Dance in the rain: nah
Sing: notgood
Play an instrument: nope
Get along with your parents: my dad somtimes but i dont rly tlk to my mom
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: yes but i believe i can change my fate
Believe in love at first sight: not love, lust
Can You:
Drive: ya
Sew: sorta
Cook: if i have directions
Speak another language: sorta spanish
Dance: no
Sing: not good
Touch your nose with your tongue: nop
Whistle: ya
Curl your tongue: yah
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: no
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: no
Been in Love: yeah
Skipped school: yeah
Made prank calls: yeah
Sent someone a love letter: a note so yeah i guess
Stolen something:
Cried yourself to sleep:
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? talking nonstop in a movie lol
Are you right or left handed? ambidextrious
What is your bedtime? whenever im tired
Name three things you can't live without: friends, family and cars
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? i got a half bro
Do you have any pets? a dog
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? probably not
What is you middle name? Robert
What are you nicknames? Brad and rob is the onyl one tht calls me B-rad lol
Are you for or against gay marriage? against
What are your thoughts on abortion? murder!!!
Do you have a crush on anyone? ya
Are you afraid of the dark? nope i love it
How do you want to die? painlessly and knowing i lived my life to the fullest
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? like 20 i guess
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yeas
What is the last law you’ve broken? none
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: blond or brunette
Eye color: doesnt rly matter
Height a bit shorter than me
Weight dont rly matter just not extremely obese
Most important physical feature: face
Biggest turn-off umm loud and annoying
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What kind of gun are you?

Sniper rifle
Your probably a nerd or you were made fun of in high school,or your still in high school plotting your sweet revenge and putting people on your hit list.Look on the bright side,your smart,and when you kill your victim its a one hit kill.

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Which Holy Grail Character Are You?

The (Invincible) Black Knight
No one shall pass beyond your defended territory, which you will defend to the death and multiple amputation.

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